Archive for the ‘sick’ Category

Yes I’m on a diet

June 7, 2007

And it’s not a weight-loss diet. It means I have to watch everything I eat and do not eat any dairy at all. Nothing. Nothing that may have any butter added, any milk, any cheese or cream. And I have to be specifically careful about whey and any lactic ingredients. I started in the beginning of May, after visiting a gastro-enterologist. I also have a new medication that I have to take every morning to supplement for my lack of gallbladder. I can confidently say I haven’t been sick since May. You heard it right, no IBS. It is unbelievable, and it is all a combination of the diet and the medication.

It is extremely difficult to find food that does not contain any dairy, I have to read ingredients all the time and it’s been so frustrating to find so many dairy ingredients in regular foods that I used to eat normally. So I have been eating more and more vegetarian stir-fries and veggies cooked at home.

This week I made an asparagus and basil soup, because I was looking at the Knorr soups and of course they have butter and milk ingredients, so I decided to make it myself taking advantage of the delicious Ontario asparagus that you can get all around town at this time of year.

I boiled the asparagus until tender.
Washed the fresh basil and chopped the cooked asparagus and fresh basil in the food processor, with a bit of vegetable buillon.
I used more vegetable buillon to give it a soupy consistency. Seasoned with salt and pepper and let it boil for about 6 minutes.
Asparagus and basil soup
The soup was super-delicious. I ate the whole thing in one sitting!

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I’m sick again

May 17, 2007

I’m sick. Again. I have a sore throat, my throat is so inflammed I can hardly swallow and I am coughing up a lung. I’m not sure how I got it, but I’ve felt sick since Tuesday.
Last Friday I went for dinner with Joyce and Jean to Red Lobster. Joyce had a cold. On Saturday after my usual hospital stint I biked more than 10 km to James’s house. It was a beautiful ride by the water and it was a great afternoon. Later we went to Stef‘s birthday party and ended the night dancing. Bex had a sore throat that later developed into a cold. I suspect I could have caught the cold from either of them.
I feel like I’ve been sick all year, and it’s already May.

*UPDATE* Jean is sick too. She also has a cough. We are thinking it was indeed Joyce who we caught it from.

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