Archive for the ‘party’ Category

Christie’s halloween party

October 27, 2007

After months and months of waiting and preparation, Christie’s halloween party was last night. I ended up going as a vampire (you know how vampires look like normal people? they don’t go around wearing a cape… exactly!)

Eva was supergirl dressed as a pirate.
eva and maria

Here I am with Kat (the sweatpants fairy), Eva, Brett (Vanilla T) and Amber (Perez Hilton).
with Amber

This guy was dressed as a sex machine.
sex machine

Death was lurking around all night.
maria wit death
comandossome guestspirateNo Amberjedieva as supergirlcandy

Here I am with our fabulous hostess, Pirate Christie!
maria and christie

Finally, I followed the instructions given in the invite and brought some donations for the Food Bank. No one else took it seriously, so no one brought anything. Now I provided Christie et al with lunch!
for food bank

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The 80s Prom Party has been postponed

October 16, 2007

There were 18 votes. The majority were for postponing the party until February. So consider this your notice: Big, huge 80s prom party in February, yaaaaay!
Now I won’t have a birthday party 😦

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My 80s prom party

October 10, 2007

OK, here’s the deal. The party room in my condo is booked for November 17, the day when I wanted to have my party. So now I think I want to postpone my party until after Christmas. Probably around end of January or beginning of February. Actually, it will probably be after St. Valentine’s because my cousin Johnny is getting married in the beginning of February.
I was wondering if all my friends would be super disappointed if this happened. What do you guys think?

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I won a free party!

August 23, 2007

Background: A few weeks ago I went for brunch to The Duke of Richmond, right by City Hall, on 20 Queen St. W. There was a bowl where you could place your business card for a draw. At the end of July I had an email from the Duke of Richmond telling me that I had won the draw. I was entitled to get a free party. The party took place last night.

All the usual suspects were there, and of course, making hand gestures.
Hand gestures



The “free” party consisted of a reservation for 20 people, and snacks for such 20 people. Free chips and free salsa, free hummus with free pita, free artichoke spinach dip with free garlic bread, free fish bites (it’s like the fish on fish and chips, just smaller and without the chips).
Free chips and salsa
Sadly, the beer was not included in the free party. Also, I thought that the free food was going to leave people hungry and unsatisfied, no problem, people would be able to order from the menu.
Surprisingly enough, the free snacks were enough for everyone, so there was no need to order more food.

Moses was there too, and he thoroughly enjoyed his time with the Ice Queen.
Susan violates Moses

As usual, Accordion Guy brought his accordion and played for everyone: Rio, by Duran Duran.

I even gave a speech thanking everyone for attending my free party and advicing about my next party, for my birthday, in November. The theme is going to be 80s Prom and I am giving enough notice to everyone so that outfits and music can be prepared. There’s even enough time to start growing mullets!

Overall everyone had a really good time. Thanks, Duke of Richmond!
Email me! Launching party

February 1, 2007

Joyce and I were invited to attend‘s launching party tonight at SuperMarket. BlogTV is a new concept in which everyone can broadcast live and have live chats and talks with other people using webcams.
You can also have your own channels and have regular broadcasts with contents like knitting(!), tech, or any other subject you may be interested in.

We had lots of fun trying out the website and videochatting with other guests at the party. Here’s a picture of Joyce trying out

Maybe I’ll start a knitting channel. I’m not sure yet, since I am so busy I don’t know when I would be able to do it, but it would be fun now that I have a brand new webcam!

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New Year’s Celebration

January 2, 2007

We visited some friends in the West End and came upon the cutest puppy in Toronto.
It was so cute I wanted to cry!
After a few Jello shots, some Katamari Damacy and other drinks, we took the subway to Becky‘s house.
The party was going on heavy on the subway train. Of course we participated with some songs, hugs and a few drinks. They were giving out free “champagne” and we couldn’t say no. Subway party
We sang and partied all the way from Islington to Dufferin.

After Becky’s house we went to a party at a warehouse somewhere near Queen and Dufferin. The music was great and we had so much fun. We did the countdown there.
Maria and James

It looked like the party was organized by some company, corporation or something called Shared.
Shared“Shared believes that it is more rewarding to watch money change the world than to watch it accumulate. That is why we donate 50% of our profits to various charities within your community. This is our way of setting an example. We hope many will follow in our steps.”

It didn’t say which charities. I wonder what they were talking about. Also, I can’t find them on the Internet, I wonder if they have a website, or more information.

We stayed there for the rest of the night.

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It’s a fu**ing chopping board

December 18, 2006

Spanking paddle
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

I insisted it was a spanking paddle but it ended up being a chopping board. That was my gift last night at Kari‘s Christmas potluck. We had so much fun playing drinking games and doing the gift exchange.I cooked enchiladas, and there were lots of delicious dishes, among them:

Stuffed peppers:
stuffed peppers

Cheese fondue:

And James’s special apple garlic pizza:
apple garlic pizza
I took pictures of the pizza-making process and will soon post a recipe with pictures. I will be cross-posting it with Garlicster.

We all had a great time among good friends, good food and good times.

Note: after being tagged for Zoey‘s 5 things about you meme, I was tagged for Kelly‘s weird things about you meme and then Wendy tagged me for the book meme. I will be blogging about these things before the end of the year.

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November 22, 2006

Who took like 1,000 pictures of Frank with my camera during the party?

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Full House

November 21, 2006

Full House
Originally uploaded by ravenswift.

“Maria’s place is pretty small, and pretty… white. I was shocked when she said we were allowed to wear our shoes in… and even more shocked when she dropped her chicken wing!”

Yeah, I was pretty laid back. I guess it was the excitement from the party!
Go here to check out all the other pictures Kari took.

More pictures from my birthday

November 21, 2006

Natalie (the big winner)
Originally uploaded by Kaivalya.

Jayme posted great pictures from the party. Here’s a picture of Natalie during the Fatass contest. She was the big winner. Here’s another picture, it’s James setting up the candles (doesn’t he look cute in his tie?).

James places the candles
Originally uploaded by Kaivalya.

Mmmh, cake!

Here’s the link to all her picture sets. Link,