Archive for the ‘Ottawa’ Category

James and Maria in Ottawa

August 30, 2007

James and Maria in Ottawa
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

We went to Ottawa for the weekend for James’s dad’s 60th birthday party.
We had a blast!

Christmas weekend recap

December 27, 2006

I took the 7:45 VIA train to Ottawa on Saturday. I arrived there just after midday. James was already waiting for me at the station wearing his Santa hat. We drove to his parents’ house and proceeded to wrap all the presents and put them under the tree. Later that evening we all went to James’s sister’s apartment for dinner and then we went to a dance club called Heaven. We had a riot and got home at about 3:30 AM!Sunday we slept in and then went shopping and to visit some friends of James’s. We hung out and didn’t do much.
Christmas morning we woke up for the presents. It was the first time that I had a stocking full of presents. We just don’t do that in my family. It was really nice and I had great fun. We went hiking (the original plan was to go cross-country skiing, but there was no snow). We had a delicious pasta and mushrooms dinner. Later we watched the Queen’s Christmas broadcast.
It was snowing on Boxing Day so all the kids (OK, James, his two sisters and me, if you can call us “kids”) made a gigantic snowman. We had an early delicious roast dinner and then took the train back to Toronto.
On our way back, we had the most hilarious adventure, there was smoke coming from the bathroom and someone got busted for smoking there. Really, I don’t think it’s worth $1,000 fine and a criminal record for a stupid cigarette, but go tell that to smokers!
All in all we had a marvelous Christmas and I loved my presents and James loved his!

(click on the pictures if you want to see them bigger).

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