Archive for the ‘housework’ Category

The curtain rod has been fixed!

June 6, 2007

Thank you everyone. When I came back from work today the maintenance guy had come up and fixed the rod. It looks like it’s working. Let’s see how long it lasts, hahaha.

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Middle of the night incident

June 5, 2007

It was about 11:30 last night and I was just starting to fall asleep when I heard a loud crash in my apartment. I thought my bike had fallen so I went to check it out. Nope, it wasn’t that. But what could had made such a loud noise? Mmmh, maybe I would look in the bathroom. And what a surprise when I saw that the bar holding the shower curtain was on the floor.

Now remember, my dear readers that I was already in bed when this happened, so I was wearing a less than “acceptable” outfit for this housework, little bit more and I would have been naked! So you can just imagine me trying to fix the bar, trying to hang it back in place. Oh oh, it didn’t work. There was no way of holding it back in place. I think it broke.

This morning I had to be really careful in the shower, trying not to splash water all over the bathroom. It was quite a task, I should say.
Then I went to Management’s office downstairs and asked them to take a look. Maybe it can be fixed. I definitely can’t do it myself. I wonder what I can do if it can’t be fixed. Any ideas, my dear readers?

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