Archive for the ‘halloween’ Category

Christie’s halloween party

October 27, 2007

After months and months of waiting and preparation, Christie’s halloween party was last night. I ended up going as a vampire (you know how vampires look like normal people? they don’t go around wearing a cape… exactly!)

Eva was supergirl dressed as a pirate.
eva and maria

Here I am with Kat (the sweatpants fairy), Eva, Brett (Vanilla T) and Amber (Perez Hilton).
with Amber

This guy was dressed as a sex machine.
sex machine

Death was lurking around all night.
maria wit death
comandossome guestspirateNo Amberjedieva as supergirlcandy

Here I am with our fabulous hostess, Pirate Christie!
maria and christie

Finally, I followed the instructions given in the invite and brought some donations for the Food Bank. No one else took it seriously, so no one brought anything. Now I provided Christie et al with lunch!
for food bank

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