Archive for the ‘flamenco’ Category

Fiesta Flamenca

June 24, 2007

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

After months of hard work, the recital for my flamenco class was yesterday. I was in two dances, one was tangos style and one was bulerias style. It didn’t go as badly as I thought it would, and my three guests (James, Clara and Sam) were really happy and supporting.
The recital was at the Isabel Bader Theatre and it was great. After the final bow James got me a lovely bouquet of flowers, they were the same colour as my skirt and I was quite excited for the nice gesture.
Sadly no one brought a camera so there are no pictures of me actually dancing. But I will get the DVD to remember for posterity.
Maria and James
After the show, we went to The Bedford Academy for dinner and a couple of pints.
Later we stopped at Chopin bar at Roncesvalles.
Maria and James
Chopin bar was lovely, there was a singer and a guitarist, and she said they were performing for the Toronto Jazz Festival. It really was a great way of ending the evening with nice music.
jazz singer