Archive for the ‘contest’ Category

I won another contest!

September 12, 2007

Street meat
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

I don’t know what is with me lately, but I just won another contest. I am so excited. I won a free copy of Found Magazine‘s book Found.
I owe it all to the street meat I found on Spadina Av. last fall.
Thanks Torontoist and Simon and Schuster!

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New contest, just for fun

August 13, 2007

Guess the song these lyrics come from and the artist:
1. when I left your house this morning
it was a little after nine

2. Enter number two:
A movie queen to play the scene

3. You can call me pavlov’s dog.
Ring a bell and I’ll salivate

4. Was the sun through yellow curtains,
and a rainbow on the wall

5. The sinners, the saviors, the loverless priests
I’ll see you next Sunday

Bonus: Guess the theme embraced by all these lyrics.
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