Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

A special Google ad for me and Eva

May 19, 2007

Dear readers take a close look at this image of Brett‘s Haloscan comments. If you click on the image you can see what I marked with red. It’s a Google ad that is specifically design for me and Eva.
That’s it, this is just what we needed, advertising with our own name written on it. I clicked on the ad and it takes you to a TripAdvisor website.
Mmmmh, does that mean I need a vacation? Does that mean I need to take Eva with me on my vacation?

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The World Premiere of Lovable is Tomorrow

April 22, 2007

On Monday April 23, at 6:30 PM at the Bloor Theatre I’ll be at the World Premiere of Lovable, a documentary by Alan Zweig. I wonder what parts of the 2 hour interview I gave for Alan actually made it into the final cut. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself!
All my readers are invited to attend (OK, not “invited” as in I will pay for you, but “invited” as in it’s open for everyone). There will be another Hot Docs screening on Saturday April 28 at the Isabel Bader Theatre.

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Is it time for a divorce?

March 30, 2007

As my loyal readers know, this blog is married to Logan’s Dave, it was our 6-6-6 celebration and we had a great blog wedding.
Well, my dear b-husband (blog husband) has not updated his blog in more than a month now. I find this unacceptable. I don’t think this nice, interesting(?), dynamic blog can be married to a dormant blog.
I think it may be time for a b-divorce. What do my 3 readers think of this? Should we end this b-marriage?

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Hot Docs 2007 lineup finalized

March 21, 2007

Alan Zweig’s film Lovable will screen at 6:30 PM at the Bloor Cinema (World Premiere) on Monday April 23 and at 2:15 PM at the Isabel Bader Theatre on Saturday April 28. I will be in the movie and already have my tickets for the Monday screening.
Hot Docs describes the documentary as

At some point, everyone has asked the question, why is it so hard to find love? In this final instalment of the autobiographical trilogy that includes Vinyl and I, Curmudgeon, Alan Zweig reflects with disarming candour on why, if he longs for a partner and children, he is still single at mid-life. Through intimate, heartfelt and often hilarious interviews with a series of diverse, smart and attractive single women, Zweig explores yearnings for the romantic myths of our culture and the difficulty of finding and sustaining relationships. Some women have come to accept and prefer being alone, but many still dream of a future they can share. When his mother dies, the reality of dealing with such painful life experiences alone hits home. Rather than remaining the objective observer, Zweig approaches his female subjects as kindred spirits, sharing their vulnerability and openness. A perfect mixed tape of love songs provides the backdrop for this courageously candid look at love and longing.

It sounds really interesting and I hope everyone gets to see it.

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I’m gonna be in a movie

March 11, 2007

Two years ago director Alan Zweig interviewed me for his new documentary Lovable, “a new film … about love and all the things that get in the way of finding it”. It was Brett who put him in contact with me. He was looking for single women in their thirties to interview them about dating in the big city. I was happy to help.

The documentary is finally ready and I made the final cut. According to Alan my part is a little bit funny, a little big moving and a little bit sad. It will make people laugh and cry at the same time. I wonder what the heck I said (I don’t remember!).

But, and this is important for my knitter friends, apparently there is a little part about Stitch and Bitch every week. I’m sorry if I let out any state secrets of what really happens at the knitting store!

Lovable is premierin on Hot Docs (the Canadian international documentary festival). I am definitely getting tickets for the premiere. I hope I didn’t embarass myself, much.
The premiere is:
Monday April 23rd at 6:30 at the Bloor Cinema.
The second Hot Docs screening is the following Saturday at 2:30 at the Isabel Bader Theater.
And, to make things more exciting, almost immediately, the following Wednesday May 2nd at 10 pm, it’ll have its TV debut on TVO with a repeat screening the following Sunday at 10 on TVO.

So everyone should come over and see Lovable, I’m sure it’ll be interesting. I, for one, am curious about it.

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Not again!

March 8, 2007

I am feeling sick again. James has had a cold the last couple of day and I think I may have caught it. I left Stitch and Bitch early tonight because I was feeling so bad.
In other news, I took my CPR course yesterday. It’s an important course and anyone who has a chance should take it. More details later, when I don’t feel so sick!

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I’m sick

February 16, 2007

Last night when I got home after work I felt sick. I started sniffing and my sinuses were hurting. I had to skip flamenco so that I would be well enough to come to work today.
I have a cold and will have to skip tobogganing tonight at the park. I think it’ll be better if I stay in.

In other news, James cut all his hair off. All.Of.It!
He looks cute, photos soon.

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Speaking of spoilers

February 13, 2007

Soylent Green IS PEOPLE!!!!!!

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Biggest Spoiler of All Time

February 9, 2007

Rosebud is a sleigh!

(I always wanted to blog this)

Email me! Launching party

February 1, 2007

Joyce and I were invited to attend‘s launching party tonight at SuperMarket. BlogTV is a new concept in which everyone can broadcast live and have live chats and talks with other people using webcams.
You can also have your own channels and have regular broadcasts with contents like knitting(!), tech, or any other subject you may be interested in.

We had lots of fun trying out the website and videochatting with other guests at the party. Here’s a picture of Joyce trying out

Maybe I’ll start a knitting channel. I’m not sure yet, since I am so busy I don’t know when I would be able to do it, but it would be fun now that I have a brand new webcam!

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