Archive for the ‘bike’ Category

Lettuce Knit on a nice Wednesday night

May 31, 2007

The weather was perfect tonight, so I grabbed my bike and rode all the way to Lettuce Knit.
Amy and I had a blast, we are both knitting green projects. Hers is Tuscany from her No Sheep book. I am knitting a lace camisole from the new book I bought, Knitting Lingerie Style.
Knitting green
Amy gave me a Knitty sticker to put on my bike.
Knitty sticker
And here I am, ready to go home. Notice the reflective tape? I am terrified of being ran over in the middle of the street, so I stuck it all around the bike for maximum visibility at night. I know it kinda ruins my nice bike, but safety first. Or what do my 3 readers think?
Biker (sorry about the small picture, it’s a terrible picture of me, but it’s the only one I have showing my bike).
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I’m sick again

May 17, 2007

I’m sick. Again. I have a sore throat, my throat is so inflammed I can hardly swallow and I am coughing up a lung. I’m not sure how I got it, but I’ve felt sick since Tuesday.
Last Friday I went for dinner with Joyce and Jean to Red Lobster. Joyce had a cold. On Saturday after my usual hospital stint I biked more than 10 km to James’s house. It was a beautiful ride by the water and it was a great afternoon. Later we went to Stef‘s birthday party and ended the night dancing. Bex had a sore throat that later developed into a cold. I suspect I could have caught the cold from either of them.
I feel like I’ve been sick all year, and it’s already May.

*UPDATE* Jean is sick too. She also has a cough. We are thinking it was indeed Joyce who we caught it from.

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The urban life

May 10, 2007

So with this busy week I’m totally doing the urban life, I love it love it love it!

Going to the baseball on Tuesday was a bit sad, though. The Blue Jays were crushed by the Red Sox. Oh well, there was beer.
Last night I went to the opera and it was beautiful, Richard Bradshaw, the General Director of the Canadian Opera Company was the conductor. After the tenor sang one of the pieces, he even applauded him. It was great.

Tonight I have my flamenco class, and I’ll use my brand new bike to get there. You read it right, I got a new bike! I’ll have more info, and pictures at the end of the week.

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