Archive for July, 2007

Virgin of Guadalupe

July 23, 2007

Originally uploaded by jait214

Here’s a picture of James and I with the famous Virgin of Guadalupe.


July 23, 2007

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

This is my favourite picture of the whole trip.


July 22, 2007

View from up there
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

We went to Tepoztlan.
First we had a Temazcal therapeutic cleansing, they put you in a thing that looks like a barbecue pit and it is a bit like a sauna, but with rocks. They also give you some branches for purifying. We were gonna be there for about 45 minutes, but we could only take about 30. It was so hot! After that they put you in a bed covered with sheets for cooling down.
Then we climbed up the Tepozteco. There is a pyramid up there. It looks like an easy climb, but it is ridiculously difficult. Probably the most difficult physical thing I’ve ever done.
On the pyramid
But when you get there, it is so nice. The view is beautiful and it is so peaceful. It just feels refreshing.
Up the Mountain

The Basilica of Guadalupe

July 22, 2007

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

We went to visit the Virgin of Guadalupe. There was a beautiful rose garden, because the legend says that roses grew in the middle of the winter and that’s where the Virgin appeared.
Virgin of Guadalupe
The Basilica

Arroyo Restaurant

July 22, 2007

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

After Xochimilco, we felt in the mood for listening to more music and having more Sunday fun. So we went to Arroyo Restaurant.
Arroyo Restaurant
We ate delicious cactus, guacamole, mole, rice, tortillas.
This bird gave us a nice show and told us our fortune.
There was music and a show.
There are still more pictures in my Flickr account.
James also uploaded all his pictures (all 174 of them). He even wrote a little commentary on most of them. Here is the link to his Flickr account.

Biking up Reforma and Sunday in Xochimilco

July 22, 2007

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

On Sunday Reforma Avenue was closed for bikers. We went early and biked all around the historic downtown to the Zocalo.
Then we walked around and sat on the art benches that Brett and Amber had told me about.
James was really strong and carried both bikes up the Angel Monument.
Bikes up in the Angel
He was later attacked by a mob of clowns, believe it or not.
Clown mob
After biking, we went to Xochimilco, which means Place of Flowers.
It was super beautiful and colourful.
We went on the lake in a canoe and admired the colours, the flowers, the music and the food.
Canoes in xochimilco
Xochimilco view
Candies in xochimilco
Music in Xochimilco
You can find more pictures on my Flickr account.

First things first, tacos

July 22, 2007

Mexico View
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

James and my mom were waiting for me at the airport. They picked me up and we went directly to the taqueria El Charco de las Ranas.
Charco de las Ranas
The tacos were delicious and just what I needed after the long flight.

Mexico City

July 22, 2007

Arroyo Restaurant
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

I’ll be uploading more pictures during the week. Meanwhile, you an visit my flickr page here.

Mexico City

July 18, 2007

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto

The Angel, monument to independence.

Educating Peter

July 12, 2007

So I finished reading Educating Peter. I had a nice time reading it and did learn a bit about wine. I thought it would be more educative, though, like a guide. The book shows the story of how the author taught her friend, a movie critic, everything about wine. Starting with the colour, the taste, the different types of wines and the countries where it comes from.
I recommend this book if you want to have an entertaining read that will teach you something. The only thing I didn’t like, is that sometimes the tone sounded a bit pretentious. Lots of name-dropping, movie stars and directors. I think they included it to make the reader feel more connected with the wine world, via popular culture, but to me it sounded name-dropper pretentious.
Overall it’s a good entertaining book.

Educating Peter. How I taught a Famous Movie Critic the Difference Between Cabernet and Merlot. By Lettie Teague.

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