James’s Scarf (an original Naked Knitgirl-design)

James’s Scarf
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

A few days ago James commented that he needed to buy a new scarf, I stopped him right there and told him that I would make one for him. He wanted it orange, so I stopped at Lettuce Knit to get 2 balls of yarn.
This is the final result, and I think it turned out pretty good. James went to Lettuce Knit with me yesterday and everyone was complimenting him on his scarf. It’s good to be complimented by a bunch of knitters!


Finished length: 57 inches

2 balls Araucania chunky 100% wool in contrasting colours. I chose orange (A) and brown (B). (these are beautiful kettled-dyed colours, I really recommend this wool).
Size 7 mm needles

Cast on 29 stitches with colour A. I used the cable cast on.

Row 1: with A *K2, P2*, repeat to last stitch, K1
Row 2: repeat Row 1
Row 3: With B *K2, P2*, repeat to last stitch, K1
Row 4: Repeat Row 3
Repeat rows 1-4 until almost out of yarn.
Cast off with B

A nice chunky rib turns out with this pattern, I hope you all enjoy my second original Naked Knitgirl-design ever.

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