Make your own burger

A few weeks ago I came upon a guy who tried to eat a 5 lb burger in less than 30 minutes (TIM ATTEMPTS 5 LB BURGER WITH 54 TOPPINGS……IN UNDER 30 MINUTES via Bacon and Eh’s).
The burger joint looked delicious and, coincidentally, I was about to make a trip to California. The Counter Burger has a location in Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We talked to an old friend, Layla, she lives in LA and was happy to hear from us, she agreed to meet us at the restaurant. The street address is 2901 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
There is another street called Ocean in Santa Monica. Well, my dear readers, where do you think we went? Exactly, we went to Ocean Blvd, the street that actually goes BY THE OCEAN!
Here I am, in Santa Monica when we realized that we were totally and absolutely lost after a 1 hr drive from Suss Design (more to come in a following post, we loved the store).Santa Monica
We were 45 minutes late, but we finally made it. Here’s a picture of Layla, my sister and I. Check out how my sister is wearing the cashmere cloche that I had just finished knitting. It was supposed to be for me but she liked it so much that she kept it. Isn’t it cute?
Layla had been waiting for so long that she had already decided what she was going to have on her burger. It took us a little bit more to decide. They give you a menu and you choose your meat, cheese, toppings, sauce and type of bread by checking the boxes. There are so many choices:
I had a 2/3 lb beef burger on hamburger bun with gruyere cheese, grilled onions, black olives, grilled pineapple, spicy peperoncinis and sauteed mushrooms. I had peppercorn steak sauce with it.pineapple burger
My sister and my brother-in-law each had a 1 lb burger.1lb
Layla had a 2/3 lb chicken burger.chicken
It’s not easy to eat such a big burger, but we managed. I ate absolutely everything on the plate. I left nothing. The others left bits and pieces, especially my brother in law, who left almost the whole hamburger bun.munch
Here’s a picture of us outside The Counter Burger. It’s amazing that they didn’t have to roll us out of the restaurant.The Counter
The Counter Burger is a delicious and fun place to go. I highly recommend it.

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