Archive for October, 2006

San Angel and Coyoacan

October 31, 2006

We went to the San Angel Market and took lots of pictures. We saw piñatas, Day of the Dead sugar skulls and lots of colourful fruit.
A beautiful fountain in a house in San Angel
We visited the Plaza de los Arcangeles
Plaza de los Arcangeles
and enjoyed dinner at San Angel Inn
San Angel Inn

After we came back from Ixtapa, we went to Coyoacan to eat some corn on a stick (elotes). Coyoacan
My mom enjoyed corn too.

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Touring in Mexico City

October 31, 2006

On Wednesday we took the Turibus, which took us all around Mexico City.
We saw the Fine Arts building (Palacio de Bellas Artes)
Palacio de Bellas Artes
and we stopped at the Anthropology Museum where James saw the Aztec Calendar
Aztec calendar
and posed in front of an Olmec relic.
My favourite part of the museum was Pakal’s Tomb, he was a Mayan king.
There are lots to see in Mexico City. One of the main landmarks is El Angel
Or seeing the Papantla Fliers
You can also stop for a drink of pulque at the pulqueria (I find it actually gross, but James seemed to enjoy it).

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Up there in Mexico City

October 30, 2006

Torre Latinoamericana
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

We went up the Torre Latinoamericana. It was so much fun, we could see the entire city and there was a museum with old maps of Mexico City and technical data about the tower.
The picture is a bit dark, but it shows the background, which was really nice.

Mexico City

October 26, 2006

Out for dinner
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

We had so much fun yesterday, we took the Turibus and went all around the tourist areas. We went to Plaza Garibaldi and a mariachi band played for us and we did our little dorky dance. We took the super-crowded subway and it was quite an experience.
Finally we went for dinner to Restaurante San Angel Inn, a really nice luxury restaurant that used to be a Hacienda.

Me and my parents

October 22, 2006

My parents
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

We went for lunch yesterday, to a delicious and beautiful place called Bistrot Mosaico. It is in the San Angel neighbourhood in Mexico City. We enjoyed our lunch a lot.


October 21, 2006

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Here I am, outside Crochet, a knitting store in Polanco, Mexico City. They didn’t have anything I hadn’t seen before.
They had lots of Gedifra yarn and patterns. Does anyone know if we have Gedifra in Toronto?
I ended up buying a 5 mm crochet hook and a pattern for Lion Brand Incredible.

Knitting store

October 21, 2006

Of course on my first day in Mexico City my mom took me to a knitting store. The store is called Crochet and is in Polanco. It’s not only crochet stuff, they also sell knitting things. I took a picture, but of course I can’t download them from my camera, I’ll publish it when I get home, I guess.
I ended up buying a 5 mm crochet hook that I needed anyway, and a pattern to use with Lion Brand Incredible. Last year I made a blouse out of Incredible but I don’t use it that much because it turned out too big. I’m going to rip it and make guess what…. yes, a sleeveless top!! (the Knitted Simple Shell found on their pattern page)
I’ll take more pictures today, I’m going to the craft bazaar, my parents live in San Angel and there’s a nice bazaar on Saturdays. Since I’m a tourist I’ll go and do all the touristy things. It’s a lovely area and I’m sure there’ll be lots of things to take pictures of.

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On vacation

October 19, 2006

So I finally made it to Mexico City. My mom picked me up at the airpor t and I’m really tired. I gave her all the birthday presents I brought her.
Tomorrow we’re going to spend the day knitting. I’m too tired to do anything else. We’ll probably go out for lunch or dinner but that’s about it. I’m sure after one day rest I won’t be that tired and I can plan the rest of my vacation.
I’ll probably meet up with some old friends, see my aunt and uncle, and just hang out with my parents. It’s too sad to be in the house without the dog, but he was sent to Tijuana with a really nice family, or that’s what my sister told me.
James is arriving Tuesday night and then we’ll be touring around the city and may go to a beach or somewhere. It’s all gonna be fun. I really needed a vacation after the last few months, I’ve been so busy.
I’ll keep you posted about the trip, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to upload photos. I brought all the cables and everything for the camera but I have to see if I can plug it to my mom’s computer (although she has not one but TWO computers).

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My brother’s hat

October 13, 2006

brother’s hat
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

I finished the hat that I’m going to send my brother to Poitiers.
I casted on on the airplane on my way to LA. I was done knitting it in about 3 days. It went really fast with 6 mm needles and Lamb’s Pride Bulky. I used more than one ball but I still have quite a bit of the second ball. I hope it’s not too itchy for him.
The pattern was the Man’s Hat featured on KnitSimple magazine Fall 2006.

Make your own burger

October 12, 2006

A few weeks ago I came upon a guy who tried to eat a 5 lb burger in less than 30 minutes (TIM ATTEMPTS 5 LB BURGER WITH 54 TOPPINGS……IN UNDER 30 MINUTES via Bacon and Eh’s).
The burger joint looked delicious and, coincidentally, I was about to make a trip to California. The Counter Burger has a location in Los Angeles (Santa Monica).
We talked to an old friend, Layla, she lives in LA and was happy to hear from us, she agreed to meet us at the restaurant. The street address is 2901 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
There is another street called Ocean in Santa Monica. Well, my dear readers, where do you think we went? Exactly, we went to Ocean Blvd, the street that actually goes BY THE OCEAN!
Here I am, in Santa Monica when we realized that we were totally and absolutely lost after a 1 hr drive from Suss Design (more to come in a following post, we loved the store).Santa Monica
We were 45 minutes late, but we finally made it. Here’s a picture of Layla, my sister and I. Check out how my sister is wearing the cashmere cloche that I had just finished knitting. It was supposed to be for me but she liked it so much that she kept it. Isn’t it cute?
Layla had been waiting for so long that she had already decided what she was going to have on her burger. It took us a little bit more to decide. They give you a menu and you choose your meat, cheese, toppings, sauce and type of bread by checking the boxes. There are so many choices:
I had a 2/3 lb beef burger on hamburger bun with gruyere cheese, grilled onions, black olives, grilled pineapple, spicy peperoncinis and sauteed mushrooms. I had peppercorn steak sauce with it.pineapple burger
My sister and my brother-in-law each had a 1 lb burger.1lb
Layla had a 2/3 lb chicken burger.chicken
It’s not easy to eat such a big burger, but we managed. I ate absolutely everything on the plate. I left nothing. The others left bits and pieces, especially my brother in law, who left almost the whole hamburger bun.munch
Here’s a picture of us outside The Counter Burger. It’s amazing that they didn’t have to roll us out of the restaurant.The Counter
The Counter Burger is a delicious and fun place to go. I highly recommend it.

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