Productive weekend

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

After going shopping in Buffalo and having a great time, I went and did the exchanges I wanted to do at Romni Wools.
I did some research on the Classic Elite Allure that the Tangelo cardigan on Knitscene calls for. Well, for one it is not available in Toronto, and it is $25 US a skein. I thought that was a bit too much (although it is cashmere, angora and merino). So I went to Romni Wools looking for something in forest green (I really didn’t want to make that sweater in orange after all the orange Zara that I just ripped from the neverending sweater). I found this beautiful Crystal Palace Creme made of 70% wool and 30% silk. I don’t quite have the gauge so I will be making the bigger size, wish me luck on that one!
I casted on last night and tried to do the magic loop for the first sleeve, but it was stretching a lot, so today I went and bought a set of double-pointed needles and the second sleeve is turning out quite nicely. I will rip the first sleeve and do it again. For the flowers I bought Stop mohair. Now I hope I have luck with the mohair because I couldn’t resist myself and bought something that was totally unplanned:
Four skeins of Colinette Parisienne in a really nice blue colour (Velvet Damson colourway). I will be making either the sleeveless top or the cardigan in theColinette Parisienne pattern book.

Finally, I’ve been making a lot of progress on the red cardigan.
I finished the two sleeves and the back, I casted on and started knitting the left front. I am really enjoying my first cable project.

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