Archive for August, 2006

Finally done!

August 31, 2006

I finally ended the silk top. I made it with Alchemy Silk Purse. It took me like 2.5 months to make. The most tedious part was crocheting the border. I didn’t really want to do it and I kept postponing it.

Tonight during SnB at Lettuce Knit I finally tried it on. I’m going to wear it tomorrow, it’s so pretty, and so soft.

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More Stratford

August 30, 2006

During our trip to the Stratford Festival last weekend, I came upon this
monument. It’s called Act III and it is in front of the Festival Theatre. I really liked it.

Later we went to the Avon Theatre to see London Assurance.

Avon Theatre

London Assurance will be playing until October 21, and we really enjoyed it.
It was written by Dion Boucicault and this particular version was directed by Brian Bedford, who also stars as Sir Harcourt Courtly. It was such a funny play I really recommend it. Brian Bedford is so good, he even gives the audience their cue to laugh. And there is a really funny scene when the old Sir Harcourt is trying to get up, it is so funny my stomach was hurting I was laughing so much.

I bought a CD: Cynthia Dale, More… featuring classic songs from musicals. I paid for it with my American Express card and since American Express is a co-sponsor of the Stratford Festival I even got 10% extra discount for paying with it.

All in all, the Stratford Festival is a really nice cultural activity just 2 hours away from Toronto. I was really surprised that there weren’t many young people in the plays, especially in Ghosts, but maybe that was because we saw the matinee and it was a drama. There were more young people for London Assurance.

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Fideo al chipotle

August 29, 2006

From Wikipedia:

Fideo is the Spanish word for a noodle of any type. In Mexico, its name refers to a type of pasta similar to spaghetti. It is also known as vermicelli.
It is commonly used in making a soup dish. Even though there are a wide variety of recipes for it, the basic recipe calls for lightly browning the fideo in oil. Then adding in a base of chicken or beef broth, with pureed tomato, chilis, garlic, and onion. Different recipes may add cilantro, beef, chicken, corn or other ingredients. The mixture is then boiled until the fideos and ingredients are cooked. When served in can be garnished with lime or lemon juice, chilie or hot sauce or white mexican cheese.

To make fideo al chipotle you need:
One can of Herdez chipotle
Two tomatoes
One package of “capelvenere” pasta, or vermicelli in nests (not the straight one)
Two tablespoons of Knorr vegetable (or chicken or beef) bouillon
Two cups of water
Mazola corn oil

The first step is to combine the can of chipotles, the two tomatoes, two cups of water and two tablespoons of Knorr vegetable bouillon in the blender. Blend until liquified.

In large pan heat up two to three teaspoons of oil, when it’s hot, fry the vermicelli nests until brown.

When vermicelli is brown, pour the sauce from the blender. It will be quite liquid. Stir if needed, but really carefully. Lower heat and simmer covered until water liquid is consumed.

Serve with a dollop of sour cream. Mmmh, nice and spicy!

Wendy tried the fideo today and she really liked it.

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Bad grammar

August 28, 2006

What is wrong with this?

Stones’ Richards may have broke smoking ban
Aug. 28, 2006. 07:38 AM

What is wrong with these people? Broken, people, BROKEN!!

UPDATE: It was up for FOUR HOURS! They corrected it at 11:45 AM.

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The dress incident

August 27, 2006

My b-husband Dave (and remember, only our blogs are married, we are not) has a really funny account of what’s been dubbed “the dress incident” (insert suspense music here).

I heard her call from her bedroom ‘I’m naaaaked!’ I like to think I’m pretty quick on my feet, even after 4 or 5 Skydome Blues. I laughed, and asked “are you knitting?”…


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Maria and Stef

August 26, 2006

Maria and Stef
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Here we are having a fun time at Kari’s birthday last Tuesday!

Fun at the bar

August 25, 2006

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Here’s a picture of James staring at his beer. He looks really cute, but he is too calm and quiet, I think he may be planning something.

This is Moses, Kari‘s plush moose.

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Ah ha! Here is James being his usual self. I knew something was weird when he was so calm and quiet. Now he’s stuffing Moses into his mouth.


And here it is, James stuffed a whole plush toy into his mouth.

Isn’t that super extra cool?


August 24, 2006

Comparing Knitting Projects
Originally uploaded by ravenswift.

A few weeks ago I bought 7 skeins of Blue Sky Dyed Cotton in Tomato. I am making the woman’s cardigan on the cover of Knit Simple Fall 2006.

I started with the sleeves because it is my first time making cables and the magazine suggests starting with the sleeves since it only has one cable. It is going pretty fast with the 5.5 mm needles and I’m quite excited about it.

Picture borrowedfrom the
Knit Simple website.

On Tuesday we all went to Sneaky Dee’s to celebrate Kari‘s birthday and I took my knitting with me. She took this great picture of the progress of my second sleeve.


August 22, 2006

Ghosts was written by Henrik Ibsen, a Norwegian playwright from the late 19th century. Ibsen’s plays were ahead of Victorian values of his time. His plays deal with issues of morality and instead of having a happy ending and nice moral conclusion, as it was expected by audiences, they were revolutionary in their contents and endings.

The plot is as follows: Mrs. Alving has lived all her life concealing the sexual escapades of her late husband, he could not leave him because of the morality of the Victorian era. She even sent away her son so that he wouldn’t grow up under the bad influence of his father. When the son comes back he falls in love with the maid, Regina, and is also really sick. He has this “mystery” illness that they never name. He never knew about his father’s bad behaviour so he thinks he has contracted it through his life of partying. The disease is syphillis, but they never mentioned it, since it was no appropriate to mention it during a play. Also about the sexual escapades of the father, they only describe them in a really “elegant” way, but they never quite say it although we, as an audience, get the hint of what is going on. The whole theme of the play is about the ghosts of the past coming back to haunt us in the present.

The play was a great job done in the thrust stage.
The actors were:
Peter Donaldson as the Pastor,
Adrienne Gould as Regina,
Martha Henry as Mrs. Alving,
Gary Reineke as Regina’s father
and Brian Hamman as Oswald.

I really like Martha Henry’s performance as Mrs. Alving. You can feel her passion, you can feel her pain at the decision she has to make (she is suffering because of her son’s disease, she has to decide if she should euthanize him or let him suffer from the disease). It is amazing how the world has changed so little, you can name syphillis now, but the social disease of our time is now AIDS.

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Ghosts at the Tom Patterson Theatre

August 21, 2006

Tom Patterson Theatre
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Unfortunately it rained all day, and we weren’t able to walk around the park. So we went to the Boar’s Head for lunch.
Boar' s Head
But we saw Ghosts at the Tom Patterson Theatre. The synopsis of the play reads

For nearly 30 years, Mrs. Alving has concealed the truth about the depravities of her widely admired late husband. But when her artist son Oswald comes home from a sojourn abroad, the ghosts of the past also return to haunt her—bringing with them a new and dreadful burden of responsibility”.

Martha Henry is really good as Mrs. Alving, and I really enjoyed the play.