Archive for July, 2006

Book club book, finished

July 18, 2006

I finished The Long Walk last night.
I hope book club can help me tonight to figure out the “meaning” of the book.
Yep, I’m THAT thick!

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No power this morning

July 17, 2006

This morning when I got off the subway I thought it was strange that half of the lights were off, but I thought the TTC was trying to conserve energy (as if!) . Then the traffic light in the corner wasn’t working, but I really didn’t pay attention to it.
When I got to the office there was no power. It had been off for about half an hour and we had no air conditionig. Today it is forecasted to be the hottest day ever on record, with a humidex of 45 celsius. HORRIBLE!
It was so hot in the office that I decided to go to Indigo and wait it out there. I made it back to the office at about 11:30.
Good thing I had to read my book club book (It’s The Long Walk, by Richard Bachman, AKA Stephen King). I still have about 150 pages to go and the meeting is tomorrow.

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Maria (by John)

July 16, 2006

Maria (by John)
Originally uploaded by Easternblot.

Robot Johnny drew me while waiting for pancakes on Friday.


July 15, 2006

Milk and Beer
Originally uploaded by Easternblot.

Eva cooked pannenkoeken for Robot Johnny and me yesterday. They were so delicious. First she chopped apple and sliced cheese.
Then she added milk and flour and eggs to the batter. Finally she cooked each pancake in the pan. Some were apple, some were apple with raisins, some were cheese and some were plain.
They were really delicious.
For more pictures, go to Eva’s flickr page

We all know the song

July 13, 2006

This post is dedicated to a dear friend of mine. Think of the people you are special to. Don’t feel down, it happens to the best of us, heck, even to Neil Diamond!

Love on the rocks, ain’t no surprise. Pour me a drink, and I’ll tell you some lies. Gave you my heart, gave you my soul, you left me alone with nothing to hold. Yesterday’s gone, now all I have is a smile.

When they know they have you, then they really have you. Nothing you can do or say, you’ve got to leave, just get away.

We all know the song…

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All this talk about balloons made me have nightmares

July 13, 2006

I dreamt that I was somewhere (can’t quite remember the location) and someone brought balloons to a good friend’s go-away party. I hate balloons so much that I couldn’t stand them (of course), so I started popping them with my nails! For every balloon I popped, two or three new ones appeared.
It was terrible. A horrible nightmare!

UPDATE: Gaston left a link. It’s called “globophobia, fear of balloons“, and there may be a cure. Really, I hate balloons so much, I don’t even want to want to get “cured”. I should just avoid them!

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Noise complaints

July 12, 2006

So in the last two months I’ve managed to accumulate two noise complaints in my condo.
The first time was the day before flying to San Diego to my sister’s wedding (so May 3), I was knitting my shawl, and singing and dancing with James when the phone rang. It was the concierge, someone had complained about us making too much noise. What? They don’t like ABBA? (we were singing Fernando), shame on them!
Then last Friday while I was drinking tequila and basically having a good time with Joyce and Jay, the security guard came up and told us that we were being too loud. I apologized and we shut up.

Today I got a letter reminding me of the condominium declaration and the rules to being a good neighbour, or something like that.
Now I’m a bit concerned. In the previous two years I never had a noise complaint, and I have never complained about anyone. Am I in trouble here? can they evict me? I own the place.

Does any of my readers know what could happen? I’d really appreciate any guidance you could give me.

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Ridiculously expensive

July 12, 2006

Two “double” driving lessons for a total of 180 minutes: 138 dollars
One practice lesson and hiring the instructor’s car to take the driving test: 171 dollars
G2 Road Test fee: 75 dollars
Finally having the G Class Ontario driving licence after more than four years: priceless 384 dollars!!!
(And that is just what I spent this year, my dear readers. I’m not counting what I had to spend almost 2 years ago to get the G2 licence).
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A change of plans

July 10, 2006

It rained like crazy this morning. Our visit to the zoo had to be postponed (it seems like I’m doomed to never visit the zoo. No, really). Instead Wendy and I went to the Ontario Science Centre. It was good, but crowded with so many children, for a minute there I wanted to jump off the second storey. Thankfully I didn’t. Instead we went for lunch to a delicious restaurant in an undisclosed location. It’s Wendy’s favourite place in Toronto, and I can see why. It was so good. She got a surprise for her husband for dinner.
Here are some pictures of the Grossology exhibit. Don’t worry my dear readers, the pictures are not gross (though there were quite a few gross explanations in the exhibit).

Tapas and flamenco
Last night I went with Antonia to Embrujo Flamenco. Great place, good service and delicious food. There was a flamenco show, the dancing and guitar were great but unfortunately it had no singer. I just found out that there are no flamenco singers in Toronto. For any special show they have to fly them from Spain, or from Montreal. Too bad, I wish I could do something to help. For now I told my mom to keep an eye on anyone that might be interested.
Here’s a picture of chipirones, a Spanish-style fish much like anchovies, except not salty. It was Antonia’s favourite last night. We also drank sangria and had a merry good time:
Chipirones and sangria

World Cup at the Skydome
Yesterday we went to the Skydome to see the World Cup final game on the Jumbotron. We had lots of fun.
Here I am trying to kick some football, hee hee.
Playing football
Adidas was sponsoring and there were some interesting things to see (the golden foorball they played the final game with, and an exhibit of old football shoes).
World CupShoes
Finally I leave you with a beautiful shot of the CN Tower.
CN Tower

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Famous last words

July 8, 2006

Jay and I went to the LCBO last night. He got two six packs of Corona and I got a bottle of Jimador tequila. I literally said this to him “we are not going to drink the whole bottle of tequila tonight”, he said “of course not, we’re just drinking the beer and just like a shot of tequila, no worries”.
OK my dear readers, how much tequila do you think is left this morning? NOTHING! We drank it all. Thankfully Joyce came over and shared in on the fun.
Then we had an impromptu midnight (or is it early morning when it’s 2:00 AM?) photo session for Photojunkie.

What a great time with good friends. Thanks Joyce and Jay, I really needed it!

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