Archive for June, 2006

San Diego, May 2006

June 28, 2006

Before my sister’s wedding, we had a picture session at the beach. Here I am with my brother and sister, Photojunkie is taking the pictures.
I’m sure the pictures are going to turn out really nice.

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A nice barbecue with good friends

June 27, 2006

The view from my balcony
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

We had a barbecue and hot tub on my rooftop last Friday.
There were 9 people attending and we had a lot of fun eating and drinking.
Connie was in charge of cooking for a little bit, that is before I managed to put the barbecue on fire.
People were saying that I don’t know how to barbecue, but I have a better excuse, I’m used to barbecueing steak, and since this time we had sausage, they were really greasy. The fire was caused by the sausages.

But hey, they were so delicious, I got them at the sausage place in the St. Lawrence Market.

And here is some deliciously barbecued chicken and sausages:
Cooked meatConnie was in charge of the chicken wings and they were very good.
And all the guests shared the food and drinks before heading into the hot tub.
The guests to the barbecue
Kevin, Julia, Dave, Kari and in the back Jean and Joyce.

Finally, I want to thank Zoey for the link. She posted a picture of me eating chicken wings and said really nice things about the site. She wants me to go try some chicken wings in Richmond Hill and wonders if I ever go north of the 407. Heck, I rarely go north of Bloor! But thanks, I’ll keep it in mind. Too bad there are no comments on her site or I would have said hi there. And Zoey, you’re invited to browse through the adventures of the mitten who lost his mate (the links are all on the sidebar).

Pride Parade 2006

June 27, 2006

Church St.
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

This post is a little late because I wasn’t feeling well. But finally, a few pictures of yesterday’s parade.
We march for love
We march for Love



Dora Keogh on the Danforth

June 21, 2006

Capon wings
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Manhattan capon wings from Dora Keogh (or Allen’s, they share the kitchen, or at least the menu). They are still the best chicken wings in Toronto. They have a delicious tangy sauce, not quite Buffalo-style but really good. They are served with blue cheese dressing.
Dora Keogh is one of the most authentic Irish pubs in Toronto, more because of the ambience and draft beers than the menu (I don’t think they have chicken wings in pubs in Ireland, or do they?) You have to actually stand up and get your beer, and order your food, just like in the UK and Ireland. Dora Keogh
The place is amazing and we had a great time. The caesar salad was also delicious, it included real shaved parmesan cheese. I loved it!Caesar salad

Here I am with James, we were having so much fun, but then he abandoned me to go to like 3 other parties.
Me and James

And here are Joey and Chandra:Joey and Chandra

At the end we had a great time and really enjoyed our dinner.

Whistle while you knit

June 19, 2006

“Who gave Maria a whistle?” was the general question asked during Yarn Harlot‘s birthday party last Wednesday.
A friend went for a flash trip to Germany last week for the Sweden-Trinidad game (0-0, if you don’t know the score by now). She brought me back a set of World Cup trading stickers and a whistle in the shape of a football. Conveniently, I had the whistle during Stephanie’s party at Lettuce Knit. I decided to have some party fun and use the whistle to make noise.
There was a moment when I lined up all the knitters and made them all salute me and say in a chorus “we love you, Maria!” (does anyone remember the musical Annie? all the orphans had to respond to Miss Hannigan’s whistle and chant “we love you, Miss Hannigan”).

Now it seems as if everyone will remember me as the whistling knitter and not the Naked Knitgirl. Ah, time to take off my clothes and start knitting, I guess.

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Beautiful yarn

June 16, 2006

Sadly, the alpaca and silk is no more. I realized that the shirt that I wanted to make is too difficult, I know I am totally capable of making it, but seeing how I’ve been lately I knew I was not going to sit and make it. So I decided to go back to Lettuce Knit and return it.

Instead I got three skeins of beautiful Misti Cotton to make the Seaberry Shell from this month’s Interweave Knitting. I am sure I’ll be able to make it pretty fast, since it uses 8 mm needles.

I also bought 4 skeins of Alchemy Silk Purse in a beautiful pink/grapefruit colour. I also bought a pattern for a great sleeveless top (of course, it is me we’re talking about, the queen of sleeveless tops).

I am really excited about my purchases, here are the instructions to make yourself believe you’re not spending a fortune on yarn:
1.- Go to the yarn store and buy enough yarn to make a nice shirt,
2.- Get home and realize that you’re never gonna sit and make such shirt,
3.- Go back to the yarn store, return yarn and get store credit,
4.- Realize that thanks to the Yarn Harlot‘s birthday the store is giving 20% off on all yarns,
5.- Take advantage of such discount and choose enough yarn to make two fabulous sleeveless tops,
6.- Pay with your store credit and only pay the difference with your credit card,
7.- Voila, you now have two tops worth of yarn and only spent $60!

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Party at Lettuce Knit

June 15, 2006

Lettuce Knit
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

It was the Yarn Harlot‘s birthday and we had a party at Lettuce Knit. To celebrate the fabulous day she came to this world all the yarn was 20% off.


Everyone was eating, drinking, knitting and basically having a good time.

Yarn piñata

Stephanie brought some presents for all of us in a bag and basically had a “yarn piñata”, everyone ran and grabbed all they could. It was so much fun, I never thought of having a yarn piñata, and even though we didn’t get to sing and break the piñata, we all had a blast.TattooShonna Seanna came all the way from Boston. This is her fabulous Tattoo.


And to celebrate Stephanie there was a rainbow in Downtown Toronto.

And kids, there is a lesson to remember from tonight, Drink Coffee:

Drink coffee

Do stupid things faster with more energy!

There is a new virus in Yahoo webmail

June 14, 2006

I opened an email on my yahoo account yesterday or two days ago, it was really weird so I just deleted it. Now I just learned that it may have contained a virus and I may have been infected just by opening it.

LAS VEGAS, June 12 (Reuters) – Yahoo Inc., the world’s largest provider of e-mail services, said on Monday that a software virus aimed at Yahoo Mail users had infected “a very small fraction” of its base of more than 200 million accounts.
The e-mail virus, or worm, has been dubbed Yamanner and landed in Yahoo mailboxes bearing the headline “New Graphic Site.” Once opened, the message infects the computer and spreads to other users listed in Yahoo users’ e-mail address books, security experts said.
The e-mail containing the virus need only be opened — in contrast to most worms that are hidden in attachments and require users to take an additional step — to release the virus, according to computer security site Symantec Corp….
“We have taken steps to resolve the issue and protect our users from further attacks of this worm,” Yahoo spokeswoman Kelley Podboy said in a statement.
“When we learn of e-mail abuse, such as a worm or other online threat, we take appropriate action,” she said. “(A) solution has been automatically distributed to all Yahoo Mail customers, and requires no additional action on the part of the user.”

I don’t know if I got the virus, but if you get a weird email from my Yahoo account (which, by the way, is my main email account), please let me know.

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Pictures of Woofstock

June 13, 2006

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

This is so cute, I am so happy that I went to Woofstock yesterday. It was great because I live in the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood. Everyone was having a good time and everyone was friendly. I had a great time. And the dogs were beautiful, I love doggies! Tell me which one you think is the cutest.Doggy toys Beagle Bulldog puppyChihuahuaGoldenGreat Dane

Mexico 3-Iran 1

June 11, 2006

Watching the game
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Jesus Christ, that’s gay! Said Clarissa when she saw one of the players celebrating the goal, he was kneeling and they were all jumping on top of each other and, yes, they were touching more “intimate” parts. She’s not used to watching football (I refuse to call it soccer), but hey, a goal in the World Cup is a really important thing. Today we went to the Flatiron and Firkin to watch the Mexico-Iran game and for brunch (ok, so we had nachos and beer for breakfast, is there anything wrong with that? I don’t think so).
Mexico won 3-1 and it was quite exciting. Afterwards I went around the Market for the Woofstock festival, full of cute pooches and nice people. Gorgeous weather, by the way.