Archive for April, 2006


April 30, 2006

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

This is a delicious and easy Mexican breakfast. All you need for one person is two flour tortillas, cheese and ham.
Heat up the tortillas, add the cheese and the ham to one tortilla, cover with the other tortilla in a sandwich-like manner. Heat until the cheese is melted turning constantly to make sure the tortillas do not burn.
Cut in four triangular pieces. Enjoy your breakfast!


April 29, 2006

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Wendy and Joey came over last night for a delicious barbecue dinner.
Joey brought the accordion so he played a special private accordion session featuring La Cucaracha and other classics.
It is so nice to see such a lovely couple.
Later the accordion just rested on my carpet.

Hospital gift shop volunteer killed

April 29, 2006


This happened in Vancouver, it is so so sad. I am so proud of just having got my two year badge, this woman had been with the hospital for 20 years! It’s a sad day for all volunteers, especially the ones, like me, who work at the gift shop.

An elderly woman – a volunteer in a gift shop at the hospital in Campbell River, B.C. – is dead after being beaten by a man who went on a rampage. (link)

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Weekend plans

April 28, 2006

I have a busy weekend.
Tonight I have to knit AT LEAST four hours to advance on the shawl. I am flying down to California for my sister’s wedding on Thursday and it’s at least a 6 hours flight, but I would really want to have the shawl finished by then, especially because I have to add the braided fringe.
I also invited The Redhead and Accordion Guy for dinner (I would be cooking), but they still haven’t confirmed their attendance. Yaay, they’re coming!!

Tomorrow I’m going to the hospital for my weekly volunteering, and Kari is coming over right after to get ready for Julia‘s wedding. Her friend James (she’s her guest at the wedding) is meeting us at Le Petit Déjeuner, where we are stopping by before the wedding to see Rannie‘s Toronto Squared exhibit.

Sunday I will be recovering and again I have to knit for at least 4 hours. I also have to write the minutes for the board meeting that I attended almost TWO WEEKS AGO! (I know, I know, but I’ve really been busy at work, seriously).

Monday after work I have to knit for at least another 4 hours. And I hope by then I’m done with the shawl.

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Toronto Squared

April 27, 2006

Originally uploaded by photojunkie.

Rannie is having his first solo show at Le Petit Déjeuner (19 King St. East) I’m so excited since it’s so close to my house!
The show will be on from April 29th to June 6th.
The opening reception is from 4:30 to 7:30 this Saturday (April 29th). I will be attending with Kari, and I will be wearing a gown, since we are going to Julia‘s wedding directly from there.

The show is part of Contact Photography Festival.

Congratulations, Rannie. I’m sure you’ll knock ’em dead!


April 26, 2006

I love Clara
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

I met Clara in November 2003. She was the new receptionist at the Executive Offices where I used to have my office. Receptionists don’t usually last, but she is so good at it that she is still working there, even if I have a job somewhere else now. We immediately bonded when I asked her if she wanted to go for a pint after work, it turned out to be two pitchers and one pint! And that was the first time we went out. We’ve been friends ever seen. She considers me her mentor, since I introduced her to NTN trivia and several bars in Toronto. She also followed my advice and started her own blog. In the beginning all she did was blog about mashed potatoes, but after two years, her blog now attracts a following independent from mine.
Today she is having surgery to remove her thyroid. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer about 6 weeks ago. She’ll be in recovery for the next 2 to 6 months.
My thoughts are with her.
I love you Clara.

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Breakfast Television

April 25, 2006

So apparently this blog was featured on Breakfast Television. Welcome all the readers that are coming from there.
No one told me it was going to be featured.
I sent them an email thanking them and asking for a transcript, but the only thing they can send is a VHS copy of the show, for $50. The problem is that I don’t have a VCR!
So, what did they say? Was it nice? Was it long?
Anyway, thanks for visiting, and feel free to browse through the archives, the lost mitten story (especially the visit to the now defunct Secret Swing or the hanging of the sign) or the chicken wing reviews.

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Get-together for Daniella

April 23, 2006

Daniella and Maria
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Daniella is moving to Toronto in the fall, to start her Ph D in Political Science at U of T. Last night I organized a get-together with some of my friends so that she can start meeting people in her new town.
Graig and Eva
We got together at the Duke of York and had a nice meal and some pints.
Eva and Kari
Everyone was waiting for Roger, Daniella’s beautiful seeing-eye dog. But he was very tired from walking all around the city with Daniella and he couldn’t come to the get-together.
Jen, Daniella and Maria
Instead, I picked up Daniella at her hotel and we took the subway up to St. George Station.
Jeremy and Chris
This time, of all the attendees, even Chris had a blog, since he started one recently. Not that he updates it much.
Jenn and KellyMaria and Jenn
Picking their nose

French trouble

April 21, 2006

I basically learned to speak French by ear.

OK, I did take French lessons about 20 years ago, and I think I completed the beginner’s level. Then I stopped taking French and went for Italian. Then I went to school in Switzerland and was asigned to the “advanced” French class. I flunked it!
Meanwhile, I never learned the stuff that is taught in the intermediate level.
Later I went to France and took more lessons, but again I don’t remember much.

Last night I was frustrated, even though I am in the Advanced-Intermediate at the Alliance Francaise, I still have lots to learn. I’ve realized that it’s not that good to have learned to speak French “on the street”.

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April 20, 2006

Mmmh, cupcakes. I looove them. I want some!

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