Archive for February, 2006

Cheating girlfriend?

February 28, 2006

Earlier, Runamuck left this comment:

was wondering if i can get your advice on something…

I’ve been suspecting my girlfriend of cheating on me. It all started about 7 months ago when she would start coming home late from work at least 2-3 nights a week. I figured at first it’s nothing, as she has an office job and she’s always got work to be done, but every time she’d come home, she’d always give me the same excuse, with the same words, and she’d never look me in the eye. “Stayed back at work for a couple hours, had to finish up.”

So, naturally I started getting suspicious. I didn’t say anything to anybody, I just kept to myself. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but she just didn’t seem as if she was into the sex as much as she used to be. I thought maybe she was just getting bored, so I introduced toys into the bedroom. That didn’t help very much, she just didn’t seem to be into it at all.

So finally last week, I decided that I’ve just about had enough! I told her I was going bowling with the guys, but really I just went out the door and hid beside our apartment building. Surely enough, I see a car pull up to the front en, and she comes out of the building and into the car, I run from the side of the building to a nearby parked car on the road so I can get a better view of the guy’s license plate. Then I noticed some rust on the wheel well of the car which I was standing by, and that reminded me of the rust on my ’93 Civic.

My question is, can I do anything about the rust myself? Or am I just better off getting it done at a body shop?

So my answer was:

I’d totally say go to The Body Shop, they got nice creams and oils and scented candles there. My favourite is the Body Butter.

The Ice Queen replied:

Dear Runamuck:
The Body Shop is soooo 1988. Try LUSH instead.

Any other suggestions from my three readers?

Email me!

Knitting olympics, the closing ceremonies

February 27, 2006

knitting and beer
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

So even if I didn’t do anything for my knitting olympics project, I attended the closing ceremonies yesterday at the Old York on the corner of Niagara and Wellington. How could I miss a pub night, right?
I brought the Opera Scarf with me and worked on it for a while. Maybe some day I will actually finish it.
There were lots of people, much beer was consumed and everyone had a good time. The knitting olympics were a big success and most knitters (except for yours truly) accomplished projects that they found challenging.
Now Canada has the Winter Olympic flag. We’ll see everyone again in Vancouver 2010.

Jean and Maria

I will be going back to the Old York, it has just been featured on Restaurant Makeover and I want to try out their jerk wings. They looked really good but I couldn’t have them because I was going somewhere else for dinner (where I had delicious ribs and chicken wings!)

Why do the weirdest things always happen to me?

February 27, 2006

This morning I was stuck in an elevator.
I was there, all alone, banging on the door trying to be let out. I rang the bell but no one answered, which is kind of weird, because I remember that in the office building where I used to work, even if you rang the bell by mistake (it was right by the open door button) the concierge would communicate and ask if you needed anything. This morning I rang and rang and rang. No one came to my rescue. I banged on the door and miraculously, after 15 minutes, the door opened. There was no one there to greet me, no one was bothered by someone banging on the elevator door. It was really scary, and exciting.

UPDATE: I just called management to let them know what happened. They said they were aware of the situation and had filed a security report.
Email me!


February 26, 2006

My back has been hurting since Thursday morning. It should have been gone by now. I’ll wait one more day and if not I’ll call Kevin for a massage. I don’t know what else to do apart from taking Advil.

Email me!

John with Maria’s mitten

February 24, 2006

John with Maria’s mitten
Originally uploaded by Easternblot.

Have you seen my mitten?
I lost my mitten last Sunday while coming back from Kickass Karaoke. If you are in the Toronto area and you happen to see my mitten please contact me.

Not much luck

February 24, 2006

There is a reason why I don’t remember which cab I took back home on Sunday from the Rivoli. On my way to Kickass Karaoke I got out of my building and was walking up to Queen St. I had just crossed Richmond St. When I saw the Queen Streetcar go by. I realized, it being a Sunday, that it would take a good 15 minutes for the next streetcar. I was thinking of taking a cab when I was approached by a crazy man who had just been thrown out of Tim Horton’s and started shouting at me. He wanted me to give him money for the GO Train, when I told him I didn’t have any he suggested I go to the bank machine and get some. I was standing right by the gas station where there were three taxi cabs, the drivers were all looking at me so I just walked towards them and got in a car. Seeing those three cabs earlier in the evening, and then taking a cab back home from Queen and Peter left me a bit confused when trying to remember the cab company.

Today I called the main cab companies in Toronto, I figured it was worth giving it a shot. I didn’t have much luck:
Beck: They only had a glove, but it was a gentleman’s.
Maple Leaf: They took my info and said they would call me if they found the mitten.
Diamond: They said they had no lost and found department, and anything that was left in the cars would be taken to the nearest police station. I don’t even know where the nearest police station is, and it’s not as if it were a briefcase or something.
Royal: They said they would announce it tonight on the radio and see if any of the drivers had found it.
Crown: They didn’t have it.

So that’s about it for taxi cabs. It’s too bad I don’t even remember what company it was. There are way more companies than the ones I called. There are lots of small ones. So not much luck in the mitten finding department.

Have you seen my mitten?
I lost my mitten last Sunday while coming back from Kickass Karaoke. If you are in the Toronto area and you happen to see my mitten please contact me.

The trip to the yarn store

February 24, 2006

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Today the mitten decided he was going to take the streetcar to go look for his mate. He walked all the way to King Street where he saw lots of streetcars. He was a bit confused and scared, nevertheless the search for his mate was more important than his fear.

He remembered his origins, as yarn and fleece. He had come from a far away, remote and exotic place called Kensington Market. The place was called Lettuce Knit. He decided to pay it a visit.
Lettuce Knit
There were lots of colourful yarn sitting right by the window. Maybe his mate would be around there.
The mitten saw a book with pictures of lots of mittens. The mittens in the pictures were all in pairs. He got a little nostalgic but couldn’t cry, since he had no eyes or buttonholes for the tears to come out of.
The mitten was excited to see a basket full of fleece, being a thrum mitten himself he is covered in fleece on the inside.
He took a jump in the yarn bin, but there were no mittens anywhere.
Yarn bin
The closest he got to seeing a mitten was another thrum mitten under construction. But he could never replace his mate with anotther mitten, even if it was a thrum mitten. Plus it was green.
Thrum mittens
The mitten left the yarn store. It had been an exciting and colourful day. He had remembered his roots. But he had not found his mate.

I lost my mitten last Sunday while coming back from Kickass Karaoke. The left out mitten couldn’t take it anymore and embarked on a search for his lost mate. If you are in the Toronto area and you happen to see my mitten please contact me.

Maria’s Kitchen

February 23, 2006

Maria’s Kitchen
Originally uploaded by photojunkie.

Rannie and Jay came over the other night and I made my world famous cilantro salmon. You can find the recipe and a picture of the finished dish at Photojunkie.

In search of the lost mitten

February 23, 2006

Originally uploaded by photojunkie.

The mitten couldn’t take it anymore. He was too lonely without his mate. He could see the bright lights of the city outside the window. He decided to go look for his mate. It was the first time he would be around the city by himself.

The mitten went downstairs to a dark place with a big train. He knew that was “The Better Way” to get around town.

He jumped on the first train he saw. He was lucky to get a seat in the middle of rush hour.

He made it to a street corner and thought that maybe someone had put his mate in the garbage. He took a look inside the bin, but he had no luck.

He walked and walked until he found a big building surrounded with lots of bright lights. It was the world famous Honest Eds store.

He went inside the store. He could not believe it, there were lots and lots of mittens in there. Unfortunately his mate wasn’t there, all those mittens were in pairs. He had never felt so alone in his entire life.
Mitten bin

He was about to give up, when he saw a colourful mural. He immediately associated the colours with his mate. He looked around, but he couldn’t find him.
Lee's Palace

The mitten was so sad, a whole day around the city and he did not find his mate. Maybe tomorrow he would have better luck.

Rannie and Jay

February 22, 2006

rannie and jay
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Rannie and Jay came over to my place and we all knit.
We taught Rannie how to knit. I think that with a bit more of practice he’ll be a pro in no time.