Archive for January, 2006

My insomnia is back

January 31, 2006

Again, I’ve been having trouble sleeping. Last night I was up from 3 AM to 5:30 AM. Up for half of the night.
Of course this morning I could not wake up, but I had to. And now all day I’ve been functioning on auto-pilot.
I had insomnia two nights ago also, though having woken up at 4:30 PM on Sunday may have helped to that one.
But seriously, when is this going to end? When am I going to be able to have a good night’s sleep? I can’t stand it anymore.

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Bull charges bullfight spectators

January 31, 2006

I saw this in the Mexican newspaper, but found no reference to it in Canadian sources. I finally found it on the BBC. I have been to that bullfighting ring and those bulls are gigantic, I can just imagine if there had been anyone on the seat where the bull landed.

At least two people are injured when a bull leaps into the crowd during a bullfight in Mexico City.

At least two people are being treated in hospital in Mexico City after a bull leapt into a crowd during a bullfight.

The half-ton bull – named Pajarito or Little Bird – breached the safety barrier and landed on the fans.

The rampage ended when a fight participant entered the stand and killed the animal with his sword.

Mexico City’s bullring was built 60 years ago and is one of the biggest in the world, with a capacity of 48,000.

Television images of the bullfight showed the beast jump over the heads of journalists and into the most expensive seats at the capital’s vast ring.

One woman spectator received a six-inch (15-cm) gash in her chest.

The bullfight resumed 30 minutes after the incident. Little Bird is the first bull in the ring’s history to jump into the crowd.

The Great Blogstravaganza

January 29, 2006

So, following Joey’s call I went to the Blogstravaganza on Friday. It was in a place called Fiddlers Green on Wellesley just east of Yonge. The bar is a bit divey, but fun. It is weird that it has 3 floors but only one bar in the ground floor. When I arrived at about 8:30 there were like 40 people of which I only knew Eldon who, by the way, does not have a blog!
Finally Wendy and Joey arrived and I was so excited to see some familiar faces.
It was a bit of a weird experience, everyone in the place blogs about politics. Some of them are even journalists.
They asked me what I blogged about and I didn’t know what to answer, I mean this blog is about everything, I have even blogged about my food processor, for god’s sake!
Later I thought “what am I talking about? My blog does have a theme, actually, it has two main ones: chicken wings! and knitting”. I was so overwhelmed with so many people blogging politics that I couldn’t remember my own blog!

For a minute I thought they were all going to think I was stupid or something for not blogging about politics. What is with all these political blogs anyway? I still insist that blogging is about life, it is not journalism, it’s blogging! It seems like political bloggers are trying to get themselves connected and taken into account, they want to be influential, or they want a journalism spot. That’s the impression they give me.
Anyway, this guy Warren said that everything is about politics, and suddenly, remembering that I actually have a graduate degree in economics and political science from one of the top-three schools in the world I agreed, saying that policy decisions in government affect us everyday citizens: when I blog about how the TTC broke down or how the Santa Claus parade came to my neighbourhood there is usually a political decision behind those happenings. But let’s not forget economics too. Yep, everyone is affected by politics and economics (see, it’s not that I’m clueless, it’s just that I don’t take politics so seriously, it doesn’t rule my life).

Some of the blogs present were: Section 15, Let it Bleed, V for Victory, Cherniak on Politics, John Bowman, Political Staples, Buckets of Grewal, The Wingnuterer, Warren Kinsella, Andrew Coyne, Orange Juice, and azerbic, Antonia Zerbisias who, by the way, was the only person in the whole place who had read my blog, and one of the nicest (we talked about chicken wings!).
Anyway, they were all nice people and I had a really nice time.

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Lucky Lucky Charms?

January 27, 2006

Last night one of the Jeopardy categories was “cereal”. I had lots of fun with Rannie and Jay shouting the answers at the TV.
Some of the clues were:
1. “Silly Rabbit [these] are for kids”
2. “They’re Grrrrreat”
3. “Hey Mikey”
4. “They’re magically delicious!” (this is my favourite cereal).

So after a while, I started singing “lucky lucky charms, they’re magically delicious!”, only to be told by Rannie that it’s “frosted lucky charms, they’re magically delicious!”. I could not believe it, but after a google search I found it.
I’ve been living a lie for the last 25 years!
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The knitting olympics

January 27, 2006

So I joined Team Canada in the knitting olympics. I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it, I mean it’s a big commitment to finish a knitted object in those two weeks, but then Kelly said there was going to be a pub night and hey, I am all for pub nights. So we’ll be watching the opening ceremony somewhere in a pub, here in Toronto. Yaaay, my favourite, knitting and beer!
I still have to decide what I’m going to make during those two weeks, I have to think it over because, again, I don’t want to commit so something I won’t finish.
More news coming soon!

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Surreal adventure

January 27, 2006

I just came back from Rannie and Jay’s. They picked me up at Yorkdale subway station and we had dinner at their place. We had so much fun, watched Jeopardy and Will and Grace. Later we went out shopping and I had a surreal moment: I realized I was in the ‘burbs.
Yes, my dear 3 readers, I actually went to a stripmall in North York. Gosh, I wish I had brought my camera!

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January 26, 2006

Thanks everyone for your concerns and well wishes. I am feeling better now and trying to catch up with the work I missed yesterday!

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January 25, 2006

Again, I’m not feeling well. I was so nauseous yesterday and my stomach was hurting badly. I went to the Flatiron and Firkin with Clarissa but didn’t last much. I was feeling horribly and didn’t even have one beer (I drank soda water, believe it or not).
Today I didn’t go to work, I had such a bad night. Right now I’m feeling better but I don’t want to risk it so I am planning on staying at home all day. I may just make a quick trip to Dominion, since I need groceries (not that I feel like eating, but maybe later I will).

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The left front is ready

January 25, 2006

The left front is ready
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

After barely two hours of knitting (naked) tonight, I was able to finish the left front.

The results are coming in!

January 24, 2006