Archive for November, 2005


November 30, 2005

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Here I am, holding my certificate of Canadian Citizenship.


November 30, 2005

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

J. Spencer Lanthier presided the Citizenship ceremony.


November 30, 2005

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

Clara and Jayme went with me to the Citizenship ceremony.


November 30, 2005

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

My brother, my cousin (the bride) and my sister. My cousin got married last Friday in Mexico City.


November 29, 2005

Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

My sister just sent me this picture. It’s her eating some delicious churros during her recent trip to Mexico City.

November 29, 2005

What an interesting day to become Canadian (yesterday). Exactly the day when the government falls. At least I’ll be able to vote… AGAINST Stephen Harper, of course!

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November 29, 2005

Joey wrote a really nice post welcoming me as a Canadian Citizen.
Thanks, I’m so excited!

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November 28, 2005

Jayme made a Flickr photostream with the pictures from this morning:
(click here for the link)

Thanks, it’s great!
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November 28, 2005

To celebrate my newly-acquired Canadian Citizenship I’ll be at the Flatiron and Firkin for a little while tonight. I expect to get there just before 6:00 PM. Everyone is invited to come and share a cold one with me.

Thanks to Jayme and Clara for going with me this morning. They took nice pictures which will be posted on this and their blogs soon.

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Victoria’s Secret Christmas 2005

November 27, 2005

About 4 weeks ago, I got the Victoria’s Secret Christmas Catalogue 2005. It is, as every year, a special edition, aiming for the increased sales during the christmas shopping season. I remember that last year the catalogue was so tacky, and it was a bigger production than this year. That was because last year U.S. violence-loving-sex-hating extreme right moralists censored the transmission of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show on TV the Victoria’s Secret fashion show did not air on TV because of Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” (I wrote a post about it a year ago here). This year the catalogue is downgraded, and less skanky, probably because the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show will air on CBS on December 6, of course it’s going to be a late-night show (10 PM, compared to 9 PM when the super-violent show Prison Break airs every week), but hey, at least we’ll be able to watch it this year.

As you can see in the picture, I’ve been inundated with catalogues for a month now. Hey, I don’t mind, Victoria’s Secret is one of my favourite stores, and I hate it that we don’t have it in Canada. At least not in Toronto, that I know of. So I enjoy receiving the catalogue and ordering on the internet, of course everything is at triple the price, first with the 15% sales tax that all Canadians are condemned with, then with another 15% over the total for importing duties. But hey, it could be cheaper than a trip to the US, right?
The first Catalogue was entitled Christmas 2005, then I got the “Holiday 2005”, then the “Holiday Shoe Catalogue”, then the Victoria’s Secret Christmas Specials and finally the Victoria’s Secret special offers. It is interesting that they are not afraid to use the word “Christmas”, as opossed to some stores here in Canada where their greeters are instructed to say “Happy Holidays” (did someone say The Gap?) and having a “Holiday Tree” in Nathan Phillips Square (absolute bullshit, if you ask me, and I’m not even Christian or anything, I just find it totally stupid).

So on the very first Catalogue, the one titled Victoria’s Secret Christmas 2005, I found a really interesting item. One that is not featured in the online store. It’s a bra made entirely of diamonds and rubies. The price for this is 12.5 million USD. Yes, you heard (read me?) right: USD$12,500,000.

The problem with this bra, is that it doesn’t say in the catalogue what size it is. I wonder if it’ll fit me. And I also wonder, isn’t it going to be itchy? No, really. The picture looks to be air brushed (of course) so I can’t quite see the girl’s nipples. Where do they go when you use this bra? aren’t they gonna peak from between the diamonds? It seems quite uncomfortable.
Then again, I guess if I was going to buy a 12.5 million dollars bra I would fly to New York to try it on and see how it fits, right?
It looks beautiful, though and I wonder if someone bought it already (after all I got the catalogue more than a month ago).

UPDATE: Oh, there she is… Gisele is wearing the bra and she’s wearing it LINED, but it appears to be a provisional lining just for the runway show. We’ll see how it shows when it airs on TV.
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