Archive for September, 2005

View of downtown Toronto

September 30, 2005

View of downtown Toronto
Originally uploaded by Maria in Toronto.

The view from my window last night at around 18:45. I love the dark buildings in front of the clear sky. And the clouds looked beautiful.

A room with a view…

September 29, 2005

or is it “a view of my room”?

So Kelly confessed last night (during Stitch ‘n Bitch at Lettuce Knit) that she had been to a barbecue about three weeks ago at Fatman’s building. Whooot? Kelly went to Fatman’s building?
Well, apparently she had a perfect view of me in my living room. She saw me there, sitting and knitting. Gosh, I wish I had been naked and walking around the apartment, like I do sometimes. Dammit, she should have called, I would totally have stripped for her!

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i am laughing so hard at the office. tears are coming out.
jean | 29.09.05 – 10:35 | #

ahaha you would have too you little nudist.
clara* | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 10:39 | #

lol! you would have been stripping for me and the 20 or so other people at the party! next time for sure, chica!
kelly | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 10:40 | #

Hmmm… do you think someone in Fatman’s building (maybe even Fatman himself?!?) has a blog… with a fun audience… who are all keeping watch… and recording everything you’re doing?

I’ll bet they even have a cool nickname for you: look, its KnitGirl!
Anthony | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 11:16 | #

NAKED KnitGirl, please!
Maria | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 12:07 | #

Oh you MUST have a nice new banner with the Naked Knit Girl logo!
Ice Queen | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 14:03 | #

I wouldn’ know how to make it though, but I’ll ask around.
Maria | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 14:07 | #

naked knit girl…HAHAHAHAHHA!!!! you exhibitionist you
congee | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 15:20 | #

OMG I will make one for you!!!
kelly | Homepage | 29.09.05 – 19:33 | #

That IS a funny story. I would have killed to see you walking around naked. Let me know when you’re going to do that next, okay? And hey, your friend Kelly is hot hot hot! Do you think the three of us can hook up for drinks this weekend? That would be fun, no? And then maybe a hottub!
Josh Rachlis | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 00:13 | #

Josh, I do it all the time, you just live on the wrong side of the building.
Maria | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 09:12 | #

How is Fatman coping with the cooler weather?

And should it be Naked Knit Girl or Nekkid Knit Girl (or Naked Knit Nymph?)
jamie | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 09:28 | #

Fatman hasn’t been out anymore, I reckon he’s inside watching TV, after all he has TWO satellite dishes.
Naked KnitGirl (one word) is the most fun, I don’t like “Nekkid”.
Maria | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 10:09 | #

Hey thanks Josh! I’d blush, but hell, I’m not that kinda girl

And dude, you’re the Mini Bites guy? That’s pretty funny!
kelly | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 14:28 | #

Yah, that’s me. “They’re huge!!” See? I just typed that in a Scottish accent.
I love the marmalade site! Is it your site? I guess it would be. I’m not very bright.
So you’re coming over to hang out with Maria and I? We’re fun to party with.
Josh Rachlis | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 15:36 | #

If you love my site so much, how come you’ve never left me any comments? And here you are ALL over Maria’s blog. Should I be jealous?

Oh and I already know that Maria is fun to party with — but how do I know you wont put us in a compromising position? BTW, I work in advertising too, and showed your site to one of the copywriters here, whose immediate response was “oh he went to Humber!” She was a year or so behind you. lol you’re famous.

Sorry for hijacking your blog with chatter Maria!
kelly | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 15:51 | #

Oh, don’t worry. I do that all the time, especially at Brett’s or Ice Queen’s.
Maria | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 16:04 | #

I just saw the marmalade site TODAY for the first time. That’s why I haven’t been all over it. But I will be all over you from now on. Like marmalade on toast, baby!

Check out my latest movie…

Maybe you can star in my next one? You could be my muse!
Josh Rachlis | Homepage | 30.09.05 – 17:19 | #


September 28, 2005

For Thanksgiving I will be flying to Vancouver to meet with my dear friends Marga, Mau and Bono. I will be there for two whole days arriving on Friday October 7 and flying back on Monday afternoon.

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Chicken Wings in Ottawa: The Black Bear

September 27, 2005

In Ottawa I went to the Black Bear, on the corner of Bay and Albert St. It is a nice pub with a nice patio. It sometimes has live music. We decided to try out the chicken wings. They were all right, but nothing to write home about. They were dry with the sauce on the sice for dipping. No extra dip was provided (like blue cheese) and there were no veggies or fries or any sides included. There is no other choice than the “hot” sauce.

Here are the usual ratings:
Sauce choice: Hot
Sauciness: N/A (they were dry with the sauce on the side)
Sides: No sides
Meatiness: 3.5 out of 5
Price: $8.95 for 12 wings
Dip: No
Wetnap: No
Fried or grilled: Fried
Comments: No side or dip included
Overall rating: 2.6 out of 5
Thumbs: Neither up nor down

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Indie Week Toronto

September 26, 2005

Last weekend it was Indie Week Toronto. There were lots of interesting acts and I ended up going to Holy Joe’s and the Reverb (651 Queen St. W) on Friday evening to enjoy some live music. The performance that I enjoyed the most was Alicia Glenn. What a nice voice she has. We had a charming time at Holy Joe’s listening to some original songs and some covers, like Nora Jones. I really recommend her show, she’s great.

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The trip to Ottawa

September 23, 2005

It all started Tuesday evening at Pearson Airport, where my Air Canada flight was delayed 40 minutes. They didn’t have to tell me twice before I was sitting at the bar. I met two nice gentlemen who seemed quite excited to be meeting a real-life “blogger” (they were actually more impressed with my soccer knowledge). I told them I was going to stay at the Delta Hotel and asked them if they knew of any good places to visit around there.
They said I shouldn’t miss Barbarella’s, just across the street from the Delta on Queen St.

It turned out to be a strip joint!
When I went to my room I was really happy that it was a “studio” which included a mini fridge. I was just imagining all the little tiny bottles of liquor, chocolates and snacks I would be enjoying later. This is what I found in the fridge:


On Wednesday I did my business activities and was off at 4:00 PM. I decided to go say hi to the Prime Minister but it was a bit late, the Parliament was closed:

I walked around Parliament Hill for a bit and took the token tourist pictures.

It was a beautiful day, no wonder no one in the government was working!

I walked around the market for a bit. It was a beautiful afternoon.
Later that night I went to a bar with my friend Brian to try out their chicken wings.

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Where is the Prime Minister

September 22, 2005

I went to Parliament Hill yesterday, and they wouldn’t let me in! It turns out it was “too late” (4:15 PM). What time do these people work, if they do? or are they just too busy spending our money?

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In Ottawa

September 21, 2005

OK, I’m in Ottawa and have no time to post, but there’s another picture of me on Photojunkie. Thanks Rannie!
Click here for the link.

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Knitting news

September 20, 2005

The lack of computer at home has kept me from posting more knitting news.
Two weeks ago I started a cardigan called Suzy with 600 grams of Rowan Big Wool that I got from Julie. The pattern can be found in Rowan’s Big Wool pattern book (both pictures taken directly from Rowan). It is a pretty fast knit, since it’s done on 15 mm needles. After almost no time I had it ready. It took me about 8 hours of knitting, maybe even less. It is the first time I knit sleeves (remember, I’m the queen of the sleeveless top) and I think they turned out a tiny bit too long, but no worries, since they’re done on garter stitch I can just turn the cuff around.

Anyway, I only have to sew the buttons for it to be ready. It is really warm though so it’s not yet time to wear it.

I’ll have pictures of the finished object as soon as I sew the buttons and I come back from my trip to Ottawa.

In other news, here’s what I have on the needles right now:
Zara orange ribbed sweater (sorry, the picture is old).

I have finished the back and I am halfway through the front. It seems a bit like the never-ending knitting project, but I’m getting to it, don’t worry.

I also have the Artyarns silk scarf. I haven’t done much since I took this picture in April, but it’s still on my list and I will try to finish it before the dead of winter, so that I can wear it at least a couple of times this season.
The problem is that you have to follow the pattern and keep count all the time, so you have to pay attention to what you’re doing. I can’t just knit anywhere, I have to sit and think of it. But I’ll try to finish it soon.

The wrap cardigan: I am making this with “Party” yarn. I have finished both fronts and I’m halfway through the back. I will be taking it with me to Ottawa for knitting the next 2 days.

Finally, remember this sweater?:

Well, it exists no more. It is now balls of yarn. I am making scarves that I’ll be donating for the St. Michael’s Hospital bazaar on November 24 (everyone, go there and buy hand-knit scarves made by me). I have finished one and a half by now, and I have enough yarn to make at least 4 more. My deadline is October 20.

That’s all I have on the needles right now, but I am soon to cast-on for the Raglan Pullover by HandMaiden. I bought the kit last week at Lettuce Knit and I’m really excited about it. They re-wrote the pattern because apparently they found some inconsistencies in the pattern in the kit. We’ll see how it turns out.
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How to pick an avocado

September 20, 2005

Photojunkie asked me for tips on how to pick an avocado (sorry I don’t have any pictures this time)
The type of avocado that I know is usually Haas avocado. You will usually find them in the supermarket or the market when they are green and hard. You can buy them like that, just remember not to open them until they are ripe. But how to know when they are ripe?
The usual trick is to wrap them in newspaper (one wrap for each avocado) and put them in a warm-ish place like in the kitchen next to the stove (do not put them above the fridge, Jay!). Check them every day and by squeezing them GENTLY. They should turn black and feel soft to the touch. Be careful, you don’t want them mushy.
Sometimes they sell them ripe enough in the supermarket or market, make sure they’re not mushy or they will be over-ripe.
Hope this helps.

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