Archive for August, 2005


August 31, 2005

Tuesday is wing night at Chick’n Deli on Mount Pleasant just south of Eglinton:

We ordered the two pounds of wings for $8.99 $11.99. There were 20 wings in the 2 pounds. The order comes with two fragile sticks of celery, two crappy-ish carrot sticks and a dill-like dip (they call it California dip). The dip is a bit too mayonnaisy, but edible.

The wings are quite saucy, there was more sauce in the bottom of the basket, which was nice for dipping. As usual, I ordered “hot”. The sauce takes a bit sweet with a hott-ish hint. It’s not very hot and I actually think this should be the “medium”. We had to order a side of fries, since it is not included with the wings. The fries were delicious, they tasted a bit sweet, a bit like plantain. It was probably the type of potato they used, but they were just delicious.

Here are my standard ratings (all numbers are in a scale from 1 to 5):
Sauce choice: Mild, Medium, Hot, Suicide, Honey Garlic or Bar-B-Q
Sauciness: 3.75 out of 5
Sides: celery and carrot sticks
Side included: yes, but no fries
Meatiness: 2.5 (they were kind of small)
Price: The regular price is: $8.99 for 1 pound, $15.99 for 2 lb, $21.99 for 3 lb and $34.99 for 5 lb.
Number of wings: 20 wings in 2 pounds (so I suppose it’s 10 wings in 1 pound)
Dip: “California” dip, tasted a bit dill-y and mayonnaisy
Wetnap: yes, they gave us 2 wetnaps (for 2 people)
Fried or grilled: Fried, it also seems as if they marinate them before frying them apart from pouring sauce on them. They were quite tasty.
Overall: 3.75 (not the best wings I’ve ever had, but not that bad either)
Thumbs: Up

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Chicken wings in the Toronto Star

August 31, 2005

Anthony was nice enough to send me an email advicing about three chicken wings reviews that appeared on the Sunday Star. Thanks for that, it’s really appreciated. Unfortunately, only one of the places is in Toronto: The Hard Rock Cafe. It is a good idea and I will go soon to do a review. The other two places were: Wild Wing in Unionville and All Star Wings & Ribs in Markham (I think someone had already told me about this place before).
Maybe some day I’ll make the trip and try them out, but there are so many chicken wings places in Toronto that I still have to review, that it may take a while. Here are the places that I still have on my list for reviewing (and the list is growing, so send in your suggestions):
The Wheat Sheaf (suggested by the Ice Queen)
Wayne Gretzky’s (suggested by someone in my office)
The Hard Rock Cafe (just got the idea from the Toronto Star)
The Duke of Richmond (suggested by myself, hee hee)
The Richmond Rogue (suggested by Gavin)

Shakey’s on Bloor West Village (thanks to Kelly for this suggestion)

Any other places I may be forgetting? Any other suggestions my dear readers?

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It was all in the cards

August 31, 2005

Last night Bravo showed one of the best movies ever made, and one of my personal top five top three favourites:
The Red Violin.

I loooooooove it. I really recommend everyone see this beautiful movie.

What do my three readers think of this movie? do you like it? do you recommend any similar movie for me to watch?

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Prison Break

August 30, 2005

I watched the debut of Prison Break last night, two back-to-back episodes. I think it is a good series and it may have some potential. Especially with the crap TV shows we’ve had recently. But I have to say that I was appalled by the level of violence on open TV: the music, the language, the characters.
I can’t believe Americans’ double standards these days. They will not show the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, but they will show this level of violence on TV? Ridiculous.

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The end of an era

August 29, 2005

I just found out yesterday that Mike (the bartender) will be leaving the Flatiron at the end of this week. It will be the end of an era, this is such a tragedy, similar to Woody leaving Cheers.
We’ll miss you Mike!

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The Left Bank is now the Crystal Room

August 29, 2005

On Saturday, I finally got to meet Gaston (from An Argentinean in Toronto fame) and his friend Alex. It was Alex’s 30th birthday and we all went for dinner to Tortilla Flats, the new one, the one that is on Queen and Augusta. Unfortunately the food is not really good there (it’s not that bad either, it’s just average).
Afterwards we crossed the street and went to the newly renovated Crystal Room, it is right where the Left Bank used to be, and it looks almost the same, with the exception that it was almost empty. They also added some king-sized beds instead of couches. The place slowly filled out, but the crowd was way different than the crowd that used to patron the Left Bank. It was full with women on the prowl, some were pretty old, some people may call this atmosphere cougar-ish. I, on the other hand, just call it sad. We had a great time anyway.
Here’s Alex on the bed, surrounded by women!

Update: OMG, look at my boobs in that picture!! (click on the picture to enlarge… the PICTURE, not the boobs, you dirty minds!)

Here I am with Gaston

Everybody had a great time and we made sure that Alex remembers his 30th birthday! It was also great to speak Spanish for once.

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Plans for tonight:

August 25, 2005

Dinner at The Keg, on York and Adelaide with Elo and friends. I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun, I already have tons of gossip and stories to tell them.

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August 24, 2005

Note to self:
When preparing tacos from an Old El Paso Taco Kit, always make sure to notice the time when you put the taco shells in the oven, and do not, I repeat: DO NOT go and make your bed, talk on the phone and prepare a salad meanwhile. The taco shells will burn, and it will be so smokey that the smoke detector will go off. It will be impossible to turn off even if you open both windows and turn on the kitchen AND bathroom fans. You will have to wave a towel in front of the smoke detector for 20 minutes and your next door neighbour will probably knock on your door to check on you and make sure you’re all right.
When making tacos, always heat the taco shells last. Always.

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As seen in the Minneapolis airport

August 24, 2005

I found this picture while walking around the MSP Minneapolis airport. I don’t know if it’s funny or offensive to us knitters. I am leaving this to my knitter-readers to give me an opinion about it.

BTW, it was advertising the Northwest Territories, in Canada.

So what do you think? offensive? funny? neither?
(sorry about the blurriness, I don’t have photoshop in the office omputer to fix the pic, I shouldn’t even be blogging from the office!)

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Mother board

August 23, 2005

The guy from Perfect Electronics on Queen St. just called. I am amazed with their customer service. Way better than at Canada Computers, where you have to do your research online and just go and buy what you need. I really recommend Perfect Electronics.
Well, apparently my mother board is dead. The computer is a bit more than three years old. As my brother said: they are programmed to last three years and then die. It is so old that he couldn’t get the part. He won’t be charging me anything for the diagnostic.
I just called Dell. I ordered a refurbished mother board tht will fit my Dimension 4400. They didn’t have the new one. The price is $156. The guy from Perfect told me not to pay more than $150, right on the nose. Unfortunately I also have to pay $15 for shipping (scandalous!) plus taxes. It all came up to $196.65. It is not cheap, but it is cheaper than a new computer, especially when everything else (hard disk, ram, cd burner, etc.) seems to be working fine.
Tonight I’m going back to Perfect to pick up my computer and I’ll take it home in a cab. Luke will be helping me install the new mother board when I get it. I won’t have a computer for at least 2 weeks since shipping time is 5 to 10 business day!
(Again, it’s scandalous since I’m paying $15 for shipping, it should be faster!)
That’s all the news I got for now.

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