Archive for June, 2005

Requirement number 2

June 23, 2005

To be my ideal date…

DO NOT be a member of a cult of any kind or plan to join one soon ever.

Email me!

June 23, 2005

Tonight I went to the Stitch ‘n Bitch at Lettuce Knit, and I bought the Goldielocks shawl kit from Fleece Artist in a beautiful acqua blue hue.

June 21, 2005

OK, I’m in full dating mode now. I already told a couple of my neighbours, they’re going to be on the lookout for me. A couple of other friends are seeing if they can introduce me to people, and I’m ready to give it a chance. The only thing I am definitely not going to do is sign up for Lavalife or any dating site. I’d rather not meet anyone than go through all that again.

If anyone has any suggestions you’re welcome to shoot me an email.

Email me!

Silk, by Alessandro Baricco

June 20, 2005

What a beautiful enticing book. In short chapters Alessandro Baricco narrates the story of a French merchant from the 1860s and his trips to Japan. It is one of the most beautiful wonderful books I ever read, and it’s short too!
I find that, in style, contents and length, it can compare to The Lover by Marguerite Duras (except that The Lover is a bit autobiographical).
I really recommend the book, what are you waiting for? Go. Read it!

June 20, 2005

It is a lovely afternoon and I’m going upstairs to work on my tan.
See you everyone on the rooftop!

Email me!

Fatman has a cat!

June 20, 2005

I saw him today (fully clothed, though). Hugging and kissing him. Nothing dirty, you pervs!

Email me!

June 19, 2005

I went to this club called This is London, which is supossed to be on Richmond and Peter, but of course you can’t find the entrance unless you walk around in an alleyway.
It is designated as a “members only private club” which only means they MAKE YOU sign up for membership, give you a card and then charge you the cover. The only difference is that people can smoke inside the club. This is the way to work around that no somking bylaw.
My throat is resenting it.

Email me!

June 19, 2005

I went to The Keg Mansion for dinner. I had two of my favourite things: steak and lobster. They were both delicious.
Email me!

June 18, 2005

I wonder what the 10-12 people a day who google “downtown toronto” and get to my blog everyday are really looking for.

Email me!

June 18, 2005

It’s 9:30 AM. Where is my newspaper?
UPDATE: I just got it, at 9:33! What is the deal? I live right downtown! This is ridiculous.

UPDATED UPDATE: Actually I was right here on the computer, sitting by the door and I heard it fall, I opened the door and had to close it really quick. I hadn’t realized I was naked! And the delivery man was still in the corridor. True story.