Archive for June, 2005

A garbage strike, again?

June 30, 2005

It seems as if it’s the same dance over and over again. The “Outside Workers” for the City of Toronto have voted in favour of a strike. Yes, a garbage strike, again! Who can remember that it was actually Pope John Paul II who saved us 3 years ago, his visit prompted then mayor Mel “Bad Boy” Lastman to rule a back to work order.
Still, I don’t understand. Unions in the 21st century are not what they used to be. Believe me, I know very well how they helped in evolution of labour laws and fairnessand how they were needed at the end of the NINETEENTH CENTURY! But nowadays, they seem out of date, it is a different economy, it is a different world we live in. Job security does not exist for the vast majority of us, we don’t get paid for extra hours worked, we just have to stick with it and hope for the best. This infuriates me as much as that TTC strike infuriated me (and don’t even get me started about the taxi strike at Pearson airport last week).
We’ll see what happens, but once again, the city is bound to be held hostage by a small group of people.

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Citizenship update

June 29, 2005

I just called Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I was getting worried that I sent my application on May 5 and still hadn’t got an acknowledgment for it. The woman on the phone was really pleasant and told me that they started processing my application on June 21 (almost 7 weeks after I sent it just to OPEN the envelope!). But I was checking my application and I was so stupid that on date of birth I typed 14-14 instead of 14-11 (14 November). I am so stupid, I think this idiotic mistake is going to cost me at least 2 or 3 months of paperwork. The woman said they haven’t marked anything about it yet, and some people in my office are suggesting that since I sent copies of my passport and my PR Card I won’t have a problem, they think they will just fix the date of birth (at least there is no month 14, so it won’t be inaccurate, just plainly wrong). I am so freaking out, my sister is getting married in May and I want to go on a Canadian passport, AND I want to throw my Canadian Citizenship Party, the party this city has been anxiously awaiting for more than 3 years now! So now I don’t know if because of my stupidity it’s going to take even longer.

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Congratulations Canada

June 29, 2005

I am so proud to live here, a modern advanced-thinking place where same-sex marriage is legal. No religious thinking guiding laws that are absolutely from other scope. Separation of state and church(es) people, this is what is all about.
But be careful with that Stephen Harper fella, he “vowed” that, when hell freezes over he becomes Prime Minister, he will turn the law back. Be afraid, be really afraid of him, he is no good for modernity.

June 28, 2005

I have enough underwear to last me about 2 or 3 weeks without the need of doing laundry (bear with me people, this story has a point). I usually do the laundry more often than every two weeks, but if not there is no problem of running out of clean underwear.

The last couple of days I’ve been carefully choosing the appropriate underwear to go with my outfit but for some reason I couldn’t quite find the specific garments I was looking for. I thought it was a bit weird and, seeing that the hamper was almost empty, blamed it on the mess that I have in my underwear drawer.

Today I decided it was as good a moment as it can be to wash the sheets (I have several different sets just in case I don’t get around to wash them regularly, are you seeing a pattern here?). So I open the washer lid and what do I find?? Enough pairs of underwear to dress (or should I say undress?) a ladies army! Yes, that’s where my underwear has been hiding for the last 2 weeks. Now I had to perform an extra rinse cycle since they lied there for days without the proper drying.

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Finally, Fatman

June 27, 2005
I was about to throw in the towel and declare this summer a No-Fatman summer. But today everything went back to normal.

I had Jamie over for barbecueing (we had ribs, sausages, beans, salad) and suddenly we saw Fatman lounging in his balcony. YES, HE IS BACK!

He was reading the Toronto Sun and just taking a nap. He wasn’t wearing his speedo, though. Tonight he was in trunks. But hey, I guess speedo or trunks, some fatman is better than none at all, right?

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Requirement number 6

June 25, 2005

To be my ideal date…

Not be so skinny that I could potentially beat you up (and I am a strong, I know karate and whatnot).

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Injured? Cellino & Barnes

June 25, 2005

It was pretty exciting 2 weeks ago on my trip to Buffalo with Jamie, to find that Cellino & Barnes not only advertise on TV, they have billboards all around the Buffalo-Niagara area.

The very first Cellino & Barnes billboard we saw.

Jamie doesn’t have cable so he didn’t quite know what the big deal was about Cellino & Barnes (he can’t see the commercials on Buffalo TV).

By the third billboard we were beginning to see a pattern (Injured? Cellino & Barnes, 17 Court St., Buffalo).

We were looking for 17 Court St. but couldn’t quite find the address. We wanted to take a picture of the actual Cellino & Barnes office.

Suddenly we found Cellino & Barnes’s nemesis: Brown Chiari.

The conclusion is: if you want to open up a succesful injury liability law office in Buffalo, make sure you have a partner with an Italian-ish name that starts with a “C”, also try to have an English name that starts with a “B”. Everything else will easily fall on your lap.

Requirement number 5

June 24, 2005

To be my ideal date…

Do not be intimidated by a smart woman.

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Requirement number 4

June 24, 2005

To be my ideal date…

Have a job.

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Requirement number 3

June 24, 2005

To be my ideal date…

Sense of humour! No, really.

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