Archive for May, 2005

Summer is here

May 31, 2005

At least these past two days we have had gorgeous weather and I’ve been able to go to the Madison for lunch. I’ve sat in the patio and it’s been great. Unfortunately I got burned really quick yesterday, so today I brought sunscreen, it didn’t help much and I’m again all red. Why do I have to have such sensitive skin?

Anyway, today after work I’m going to be at the Duke of Gloucester, everyone is invited for the “in search for the best chicken wings in Toronto” session. I’ll probably be in the patio again since it appears it’s going to be a nice evening.

Email me!

And Miss Universe is…

May 31, 2005


I am so excited for Natalie and for all the people who work at Miss Universe Canada (and their bandwith has been exceded so I hope people can reach the website tomorrow).

Congratulations everyone, I know how hard all of you have worked and I hope this is the beginning of more great things to happen.

The quest for the best chicken wings in town

May 30, 2005

So, in my quest for the best chicken wings in Toronto, I’ll be tomorrow (Tuesday) at The Duke of Gloucester with Connie, Clara and Jamie. Anyone who wants to join us is absolutely welcome. We’ll be there at 6:00 and may the best wings win (some people are also going to eat the fried Mars bars and anyone can eat whatever they want, it’s just me who’s rating the wings).

Email me!

May 30, 2005

On Tuesday I casted on for the front-cross tank in Vogue Knitting, page 60. I made good progress but by Friday I realized it was too small and I was never going to fit in it. So I ripped the whole thing on and started the bigger size. I am using 6 balls of Lion Brand’s Incredible in Copper Penny (it is an amazing ribbon, it doesn’t look at all in the ball as it looks knitted it lives up to its name, it is incredible), 7 mm and 12 mm needles.

May 29, 2005

Well, ABC showed the last episode of the season for Desperate Housewives last night. I had missed it last Sunday because I was on an airplane flying back from California. So last night, me being the super-social-always-have-plans-for-Saturday-night person that I am (sarcastic tone), I was of course at home and I watched it. The only thing I didn’t understand was why Rex had to die? Who killed him? Is that one of the mysteries for next season? I don’t know.

Email me!

A farewell to Christie

May 28, 2005

Christie is moving to Brooklyn tomorrow, and she had a party last night at The Bishop and The Belcher. I was glad to see that she is so happy with her decision and excited with what may happen when she moves there.

I ran into Armchair, Blamb, Lamberry mer, Photojunkie, Eva and Accordion Guy and we all had a great time. I also met Kat and I had so much fun remembering that “who is going to marry Brett Lamb” contest we had a few months ago. We had so much about it and just had a great time. She happens to be the most senior blogger in the GTA, she’s been blogging for 7 years, even before the term “blog” was coined, isn’t that amazing?

We’ll miss you Christie, this picture is my farewell present to you, enjoy!

Email me!

May 26, 2005

Here’s another picture of me with my beautiful family (notice how I am sitting there with a balloon right next to me, DON’T BE FOOLED, I was making an effort to smile, I HATE BALLOONS!)

May 26, 2005

My knitting is taking a break while I take a dip in the pool. It’s a triangle scarf made with Malizia yarn. I used two 50g balls of Malizia in colour 03 Winter and 12 mm needles. It was really fast to knit using Laura’s kerchief pattern.

May 26, 2005

Me and my sister in Del Mar.

May 26, 2005

Here’s me at La Jolla Shores. I didn’t go down to the beach but stayed upstairs at the park. I’m not much of a sand-lover.