Archive for April, 2005

Don’t Panic

April 30, 2005

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was AMAZING! I loved it. I didn’t know what to expect because some people said that it didn’t capture the funny feeling of the books, since it was Douglas Adams’s style of writing that made them so funny. And I agree that his style is great.
Anyway, I was looking forward to making an opinion for myself. It is great. It captures the essence of the book and it makes you laugh out loud. It’s very well acted and with great special effects. I think I’m going to see it again in the theatre AND get the DVD when it comes out.
Some people came to the theatre with a towel, it was so funny, I love it that it has such a cult following.

After the movie (it ended at about 1 AM) we went to Milestone’s for a Bellini, they have such a nice bar with great music and a great atmosphere, especially late at night. We had lots of fun and ordered a Bellini in a fishbowl (it’s basically the size of 3 or 4 Bellinis served in an actual fishbowl with two straws, lots of fun). The Bellinis are great, it’s like drinking a giant Slurpee or Icee but with booze, it’s like my dream come true. At Milestone’s they put plastic animals in the Bellinis for fun, because our fishbowl was so big we got loads of them. They were a bit thirsty after having swum in the Bellini for so long, we had to rescue them and we had them take a drink at their local watering hole. I took a picture of them (don’t they look relieved?):

Zoo animals at the watering hole

Almost done with the triangular top

April 29, 2005

I am soon te be done with the triangular tank top. I am down to my last ball of Stahl Wolle Winter Cotton (Schoeller Stahl). I bought the pattern and the yarn at the Knitters’ Frolic, it is a kit from Sandy’s Needle Nook. I am enjoying knitting it a lot, and oh the wonders of sleeveless tops! They go so fast (no need to make sleeves), especially this one, which is being knit on 6mm needles.
Here is a picture of my progress, I casted on at the Stitch and Bitch last week (10 days ago) but actually have not spent 100% of my knitting time on it (or I would be done by now) because I am doing my “homework” for my lace making class.

UPDATE: I forgot to say that yesterday I bought the perfect pants for this top, I’m ready to wear it!

Oh I almost forgot, I am so excited, I bought a skein of La Boheme Fiesta Yarn in “Clematis” (a combination of green and purple). It is beautiful, it’s a two-stranded yarn combination of rayon and mohair. I will make a scarf/kerchief/small shawl with it. I am knitting it on 12 mm needles so I think it won’t take me too long. (OK, I have to confess, I frogged it this morning, I had about 7 inches done already but I guess my state of excitement/tiredness last night played a part on me not doing the increases properly, so it didn’t look like a triangle, it was more like an oblong shapeless piece of colour). Pictures to come soon, as soon as I re-start and have something to photograph, heh.

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

April 29, 2005

I am so excited, I have tickets for tonight for the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I am so looking forward to this movie. I’m going to The Paramount and really want to devour their popcorn. I’m sure I’ll have lots of fun.

Email me!

Cutest dog in the world?

April 28, 2005

What is the deal with all the people that have been making searches for “the cutest dog in the world” and getting to this blog? (specifically this post)
People THERE IS NO DOUBT, the cutest, nicest, most beautiful dog in the world is Bruni:

(followed by Blamb‘s Zack).
Or does anyone know why suddenly people have been performing that specific search?

Email me!

There are frills at No Frills

April 27, 2005

Saturday I was invited to my very first Passover Seder. I was really excited to take part in all the traditions and even bought a bottle of kosher wine (Mogen David). I made it to the place where the Seder was going to take place only to discover that it had been cancelled at the last minute. They sent me an email at 4:50 so I didn’t get it, since I was getting ready to be there at 6:00. Being really hungry and having nothing at home and only a bottle of crappy-ish wine I decided to stop at a supermarket right there. No Frills on Sherbourne just north of Wellesley.
The supermarket was really dirty and I didn’t feel like buying anything, it’s supossed to be cheaper than Dominion or Loblaws, but really I prefer to pay a few dollars more and go to a supermarket that looks clean. I was really grossed out and only bought a bottle of Ragu and some pasta and some napkins and stuff that is packed and cannot be contaminated by the place it is in.
I made it to the cash register and paid, I realized that the cashier does not pack your groceries but this wasn’t really new to me, having lived in London (the REAL London, not that fake one, London Ontario) where they don’t pack the bags for you. So I’m standing there, looking at everyone and seeing that I didn’t have any bags. I suddenly realized that you have to pay for them, 5 cents each. OK, it doesn’t matter, I’ll pay, please give me three bags. The cashier looked at me as if I was an alien from another planet and tried to make me feel stupid for asking about the bags. Come on, it’s not as if there are any signs that say anything about the bags, how was I supossed to know you have to pay for them, but hey, here are my 5 cents. Well she treated me so badly and practically threw the bags at me, I will make sure to never go to a No Frills again, who needs them? plus they’re gross dirty.

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Itchy feet

April 26, 2005

OK, so I’m getting preeeetty personal in this blog. Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night with the itchiest feet one has ever felt. Really, I’ve had itchy feet before but this is just ridiculous.
Any ideas?

Email me!

Powder sugar donuts

April 25, 2005

When I was little, in California, we used to eat these delicious powder sugar donuts. We usually accompanied them with a big tall glass of milk. Milk came from a gallon and not from bags as it does in Canada.
I hadn’t had them in some time and I actually thought you could only get them in the States, heck you can get them at the gas station when down there.
On Saturday I came across them and could not resist the urge to buy a box.
These are the donuts, not to be confused with Tiny Tom Donuts available at Dundas Square and at the CNE.

They are delicious!

April 25, 2005

Note to self: Do not drink a whole bottle of wine during the course of an afternoon, even if you don’t feel you’re getting drunk and you’re having a nice leisurely time. Bad idea, bad.

Pass the Advil!

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Lace making class

April 25, 2005

About two months ago I signed up for a lace-making class at Lettuce Knit. I was so excited about it I just couldn’t wait. Finally yesterday I had my first session. Brenna designed a really neat lace pattern and explained me and 3 other fine ladies how to knit lace. I am so excited, now that I know the yarn-over (a.k.a. yo) I am ready to conquer the world!

I am knitting a scarf out of Fleece Artist Silken 100% pure silk, in a variegated blue-ish green-ish rainbow-ish tone. It’s cool!

Email me!

Cotton-tape sleeveless top finished

April 24, 2005

I finished the sleeveless top made with Rowan Cotton Tape two night ago.

There I am, accidentally taking the picture while trying to set the camera on auto mode (notice how cute the sleeveless top looks on me).

And here I am wearing the top. It will be a great addition to my wardrobe for the summer!

6 balls of Rowan Cotton Tape
8 mm needles and 9 mm needles
Pattern book by Rowan, the name of the pattern is Joy (design by Kim Hargreaves)

It took me about 4 weeks to finish, I actually had to rip half of the front because I had finished it, but I hadn’t realized that I had made the “slip stitch edging” wrong (ok, I hadn’t made it). For some reason it didn’t look like in the book. When I was working on the second half I realized that I had not done the edging (the instructions were written kind of funny and I didn’t understand that I had to keep doing that edging). Anyway, I finished the second half (after some help from the stitchanbitchers from Lettuce Knit) and ripped all the shoulder and sleeve edging for the first one and did it again. I thought I would have been done by last week, but it took me a bit longer because of that. I’m really happy with the results.