A nice evening with good friends

So last night a bunch of us went to Tequila Bookworm for a nice dinner and a good time. Accordion Guy was entertaining Richard “Just a Gwai Lo” Eriksson, who was visiting from Vancouver. Liz and Rannie and Paul and Eldon were there too. We were really entertained with stories of the place where one of us (I’m not saying who) works. There were lots of laughs when Liz and I misunderstood what each other was talking about and for a minute there she thought I had “done it” with a certain girl-friend of mine. It was pretty funny and for the record, no, it’s not likely to happen. We laughed a lot anyway.

Before that I stopped at the Knit Cafe to check it out. It was their Stitch ‘n Bitch night and I met some nice women, but I left early since I was going to dinner. The Knit Cafe is quite a small store but has enough tables to fit a good amount of people. It also serves coffee, tea, some cakes, juice and organic soda. It was a nice experience and I might go again soon to knit there.

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