The day I ran into Michael Douglas

It was 1999, I was in New York City on vacation with my parents, my brother and my sister. My mother and I had managed to get rid of my brother, sister and father by sending them to the Warner Store and later to the Statue of Liberty. We were walking on 7th Avenue when a limo stopped about 100 metres away from us. A man got off the limo and started walking towards us. Here’s what happened next:
Maria’s mom: “Isn’t that Kirk Douglas?”
Maria: [takes a good look] “no, it’s Michael Douglas” [thinking: yeah, cool, that’s Michael Douglas, now let’s go shopping]
Maria’s mom: “He’s getting into The Gap” [grabs Maria and pulls her into The Gap]
Inside The Gap
[Maria’s mom starts going crazy, she starts screaming half in Spanish half in English, pulls Maria along and chases after Michael Douglas].
Maria’s mom: “you are the man of my life” [meaning the love of her life, but was translating directly from Spanish, couldn’t think straight]
Maria [thinking]: “Weird, I didn’t know my mom liked Michael Douglas”
Michael Douglas: “thank you” [says something to sales guy]
Maria’s mom [shouting, screaming]: “really, I want to marry you”
Michael Douglas [probably getting scared of the crazy woman trying to communicate with him in broken English]: “OK”
Maria [trying to fix the situation]: “congratulations, your work was great in The Game”
Michael Douglas: “thank you thank you” [approaches the exit and gets the hell out of there]
Maria’s mom [having a fit]: “ah ah ah ahhhh I loooove him”
People at The Gap: “who was that, what’s all that racket about?”
Maria’s mom: “I’m dying, I can die peacefully now”
Maria [approaches window]: “It was Michael Douglas, he’s still there waiting for his ride”
Now all the people at The Gap look out the window, poor Michael Douglas fears for his life, finally the limo arrives and he flees the place.
Maria [to the sales guy]: “what did he tell you?”
Sales guy: “he asked if we had men’s shorts, we don’t so I told him”
Maria’s mom [still screaming]: “I’m leaving my husband and marrying him”

So that’s the end of the story. I had NO IDEA my mom even remotely liked Michael Douglas, let alone was in love with him. Of course now I know. This has been the biggest celebrity I’ve ever run into. He is not THAT big, my grandmother ran into John Lennon in like 1979 (and probably now in heaven, since they’re both dead now). My ex boyfriend ran into Pele and actually played a quick round of football (soccer) with him. My sister TOUCHED The Pope, yep, in Rome (I guess I don’t have to worry, she’s going to pull me up to heaven from hell, where I’m probably going to be).

My dear readers, have you had any run ins with celebrities?

P.S. They didn’t have men’s shorts at The Gap in the middle of the summer? isn’t that just a bit weird?

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