Hand-made Christmas gifts

I am done with the knitting of my mom’s and sister’s gifts. For my mom, I made a set of scarf and hat:

My mom’s scarf and hat

For my sister I made a fluffy scarf with two strands of yarn, one boa and one eyelash, both in dark red. Here are two pictures of how it looks:

My sister’s scarf (detail)

Another picture of my sister’s scarf

Meanwhile, for my brother I got Civilization III, it’s been out for a couple of years, but he doesn’t have it and it is a nice present, I’m sure he will enjoy it.

My own Christmas present will be a Pac Man Collection game for the Game Boy Advance. I also started working on a sweater for myself, it’s from the Paton’s Next Steps Knitting Guidebook, it’s a beginners sweater and I’m pretty excited about it.

I started making this sweater

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