Archive for June, 2004

June 30, 2004

Last night I found out that I have two new (known) readers. Welcome everyone, thank you for joining the “large” group of four people that enjoy (or tolerate) knowing about my daily activities.

June 28, 2004

The Gay Pride Parade was yesterday. It was a lot of fun, full of music and dancing and very colourful. It is a great family event in Toronto and there were about one million people there. I saw it at Dundas Square for a while, then I went to the Paramount Theatre to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. What a great movie, it is way better than the first two. Since I haven’t read the books I don’t know if it’s the story, but the movie is way easier to watch and enjoy. The second one is so complicated and dark. Alfonso Cuaron, a Mexican movie director who also made Y tu Mama Tambien, Great Expectations and A Little Princess was the director for this third movie (he also made one of the coolest movies I’ve ever watched “Solo con tu Pareja“). I just loved it.

June 26, 2004

I went to Shelagh and Greg’s party last night and I had a great time. It is always nice to do something different and meet a bunch of new people.

June 25, 2004

OK, so this Stephen Harper toupee issue has raised some voices. Some people say he doesn’t wear one, some people say he does. I agree, it is shallow to base one’s vote on fashion. So my dear readers, I leave it for you to decide if he wears one or not, and if he deserves our vote, even if it proably wouldn’t be based on that, but on his ultra-right-winged-ex-Canadian-Alliance ideology.

June 24, 2004

I’ve been trying to be rational about this whole situation, have documented and informed opinions, but I can’t.

STEPHEN HARPER SO WEARS A TOUPEE, it is not even funny!

June 24, 2004

So England is out, Spain is out. No incentives to watch the UEFA EURO 2004 anymore. The only exciting thing is that Portugal is still in. I don’t like them, since they defeated Spain, but it is their party after all. They’re on the semi finals. I watched the Portugal vs. England game because miraculously I got home early this afternoon, and since they went to Extra Time and then Penalty Shots, I got to watch it on TV. David Beckham missed one of the most important shots of his life, the Portuguese goal keeper did not stop his goal, he missed it, sent the ball to space. I was with my sister on the phone, because she was at work in California and couldn’t watch the match. It was so exciting, me shouting on the phone, describing the penalties.

Fat Man is out today again, he is in his trunks. Nothing exciting to photograph, so I didn’t take a picture. He’s taking a nap.

June 24, 2004

So I was running late for work this morning, got out of my apartment at 9:00, and halfway through my “commute” I realized that I was not sure if I had unplugged the iron or not. I just could not remember. If it had been anything else I would just have left it, but the iron… a fire could happen. So I had to run back to my apartment (the guy in the dry cleaners downstairs got weirded out to see me back after such a short time). The iron HAD BEEN unplugged. But I just couldn’t risk it. Of course I was more late than usual for work, but better safe than sorry.

June 23, 2004

So I saw fatman again last night and just now. So far it’s been four times. This time he wasn’t wearing a speedo, but trunks. I uploaded the picture, click on Fat Man to access it.

June 22, 2004

I was supposed to go for dinner tonight to Le Biftheque or somewhere, but my friend got sick so we will have to postpone it yet again. It’s been like a month that we’ve been trying to go for dinner and there’s always something happening that changes our plans. Maybe someday.

June 22, 2004

We had the weirdest experiences last night. First, on the corner of Yonge and Dundas, right in the middle of town, in the height of rush hour and among 150 people or so, this dog went poo. It was really funny and people started laughing when they saw that the owner hadn’t even seen him do it, she was pulling him with the leash when the poor thing was trying to do his business.

Later, we got to the Flatiron and it was really weird. It looked like “bizarro” bar. The music was like from the 40s (swing and big band), none of the waiters or bartenders that we know were there. Sue wasn’t there, Scottie wasn’t there, Joel wasn’t there, James wasn’t there, Mike wasn’t there. It was weird. But the strangest thing of them all: there was no NTN showing on any of the TV’s. I had to ask the bartender to change the channels on one of the TV’s, and he said he wouldn’t do it until the game was over. THE GAME!! It was a repeat of the France-Switzerland Euro 2004! (France won, they’re going to the same round along with England from Group B) It’s not even the finals or semifinals, it’s just the first round (I know my soccer), so after a little begging we got them to change the channel on another TV and not the normal NTN TV. The only regular that came by was Bull, but he couldn’t stand the bizarro bar, I guess, because after just one beer he left. He wasn’t even there for 15 minutes. Anyway, we adapted to this Twilight Zone experience after a couple of cold ones and Clara finally signed up for an NTN account, by the way, on her very first game she was Star of The Show.