Archive for May, 2004

May 10, 2004

I just uploaded pictures of our weekend fun at the Flatiron. I can’t believe we took pictures of our beer, the ceiling and the tap! We had a lot of fun. You can access them here.

May 10, 2004

I had a really scary experience yesterday at the hospital. Someone called to get flowers delivered to a patient, so I did the order and went upstairs to look for the room. I went to the 3rd floor looking for the room but I could find nothing. It just looked like a corridor with closed doors, and some furniture around and it was long, long, neverending. I started turning on other corridors and it was more and more scary every time. Good thing it was broad daylight, because I bet it would also have been dark. The only person I could see was a man that was pushing a roll bed. I asked him and he gave me instructions to turn right, then left, then right, but don’t go to the end of the corridor, turn right just before you reach the end of it. I thought I had understood what he had told me, but I was in for a big surprise. I turned into a corridor that was even creepier than the first one, that one was almost dark, and there were furniture and old things scattered all around. I felt as if I was in the middle of a horror movie with no way out, there I was carrying the bouquet of flowers and looking all lost. Ready for any predators to attack me any moment. I walked towards a glass door that looked like it might had some people or some activities, or something behind it. When I reached it I saw warning signals that said something like “dangerous, poison” or “do not approach” or “infectious diseases behind this door” or something like that. If someone had said (whispered) “boo” behind me I would have had a fit right there. I was so scared. I didn’t think this kind of things happened in real life. And meanwhile, all I could hear was silence. I turned around trying to find my way back to the elevator and the hospital labyrinth just turned worse and worse. I finally turned right on the only corridor I hadn’t been through by now (coincidentally it wasn’t at the end of the previous corridor, but just before the end of it), and by now my heart was pounding really fast and loud. I finally saw some sign of life, but it wasn’t very encouraging. It was a really skinny man (a patient? by now I thought it could have been just a spirit or something) he was really skinny, almost no meat on his bones, wearing that skimpy nightgown they give you in the hospital and limping and pushing a serum cart. I tried to ignore it (as if I could) and kept walking through the corridor thinking the exit or the elevator might be close. Finally I reached the patient wing where I was able to deliver the flowers. Now it was time to go back if I could find my way. I didn’t, I just went down in the elevator that was right by the patient wing and walked on the ground floor.

Old hospitals can be scary places.

May 8, 2004

I just came back from the Flatiron after going to see Van Helsing with Clara (the movie is a piece of crap, but it has some scary parts that actually scared me). So I got off the elevator on my floor and I saw this young guy from like 5 doors down, I know him because he has a really nice dog called Ty (a boxer puppy), he was lying on the floor sleeping/fainted, and poor little Ty was just there sitting by him looking. I didn’t know what to do, I thought he was drunk so I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn’t respond, so I went back down to the lobby and told security. The guard came up, along with some other people that live on my floor and they suggested he might have had a seizure. Now I was scared, for the guy, and for the dog. These kinds of things really trouble me. So they kind of waked him up and asked him if he needed and ambulance. He suggested he needed to go walk the dog. So I just went to my apartment, but apparently he went down with Ty. He came back like 10 minutes later and walked to his apartment, I saw him through the peephole. I didn’t hear any doors closing behind him, and of course I was all worried about the dog. The security guard came right after him (like 2 minutes later) and I heard him ask him if he had been locked out, apparently he said yes, but I remember seeing him with the keys in his hand. So anyway, they brought the master key (I heard the whole thing through the door), and let him into his apartment. He’s probably going to be all right, but I’m worried about Ty. He looked so concerned just sitting there by his owner when the elevator door opened. He’s a nice dog and I see him almost every day. I hope everything goes all right.

May 6, 2004

I went to the Flatiron yesterday with Clara to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo. We had such a great time we stayed after midnight eating nachos and playing NTN Trivia. The bar is back to normal now that there is no more hockey. Also, patio season is coming and it shall be fun. Tonight I’m planning on cooking lasagna (from scratch, yes my friends, even though I never do it I CAN ACTUALLY COOK) and watching the last episode of Friends ever. It is probably lame, but I’ve been watching it for 10 years and feel a bit sad that it’s going to be over. But I think it’s time, there are no more things that can happen, it is getting old already. By the way, isn’t it weird that the show is going to start at 8:59 and not at 9:00? Do the people at NBC think that because the shows start a minute earlier they are going to get the viewers that otherwise would see other shows? Don’t they know that almost everyone that watches TV is going to have it tuned to NBC? They are selling their commercial time as expensive as if it were the Superbowl! Anyway, I hope the finale is not stupid like the Seinfeld finale. Frasier is ending next week, and I’ll be watching it too.

May 5, 2004

Something really weird happened last night. I was watching the hockey game on the CBC, and the score was Philly 2 Toronto 0. I went to the NHL homepage and looked up the game. It said the score was 3-2 for Philly. I checked the game and yes, they were talking about Game 6 in the series. I thought their information was wrong. About 40 minutes later, the Leafs had scored 2 goals so the score was 2-2 and they went to overtime. Well, The Fliers won on sudden death and the final score was 3-2. Spooky!!

So the possibilities of winning the Stanley Cup for the Maple Leafs are gone. No more hockey games for us. Life is finally going back to normal.

May 5, 2004

There is always something interesting going on at Dundas Square. Yesterday Weber Barbecues were giving out free hamburgers and chicken burgers, all we needed to do is give a donation to charity. This morning they had this splash pool installed and there were some people jumping and diving in it. It was sponsored by 7UP Citrus Splash and it seemed like fun. Too bad that it was 9:00 already and I had to get to work. It is such a nice day, just my ideal kind of weather. Sunny and nice, and not too hot, just like 12 degreees, perfect. It just puts me in a good mood.

May 5, 2004

OK, so apparently it’s back up, or I pressed the wrong button. Anyway, it’s the end of the second period and Philadelphia is winning 2-0 against the Maple Leafs.

May 5, 2004

I think Blogger is down or something. None of tonight’s posts have been published. I posted something about the Maple Leafs losing against Philly, and the address for my apartment’s pictures on Yahoo. They didn’t come up. I don’t know what’s up.

May 4, 2004

OK, I have pictures of my apartment, and the view from the window. Go to and click on “condo”. Hope all my readers like it.

May 4, 2004

This evening I went to the roof-top patio to barbecue a steak. It was so cold that I had to wear my coat while barbecuing. It was not just cold, but really windy and the windchill was about 1 or 2 degrees.

Also, I finally got my George Foreman Grill and the new shower head that I bought at