Archive for April, 2004

April 30, 2004

I just published new pictures in My Yahoo photo album.

April 30, 2004

I went to see Man On Fire last night. The movie is fine. The cinematography is a bit Traffic-like. It is a great movie and you get to see the contrasts in Mexico City as they really are. It’s all right, but it is a bit too long, two and a half hours can be just too long for a movie. Even if the action is going on, I can’t just sit still for all that time, I get tired. Afterwards, me and Jason went to the Friar and Firkin for nachos and beer (it was too late for dinner).

April 30, 2004

As my three readers know, I work on the 25th floor of an office tower on the north side of the Eaton Centre. That’s why I get the lake view, the CN Tower, the Skydome. Also, if I look down my window I can see the Trinity Square Park Labyrinth. It has been really cool to look down and see the park, and see the weather change, from dry grass, to all snowed and now grassy. In fact, it has been raining so much lately that the grass looks really really green. I love looking down and being able to see the labyrinth shape, and sometimes even people walking on it.

April 29, 2004

I went to the ultrasound of my wrists yesterday after work. It was really creepy. I do have a ball on my left wrist, it could be a cyst, it could be ganglia, or god knows what. It is hurting, but I usually don’t touch it, leave it alone and it doesn’t bother me. Well, the radiologist had to touch it and manipulate it with the gel and the viewer in order to get it in the ultrasound screen. It was hurting a lot and it felt really weird, the worst thing is that the monitor was right in front of me and I could see the muscle moving and it was really gross, it looked like being at the butcher’s or something. Good thing I had planned to go to the pub to watch the Hockey Game (Leafs 4, Philly 1). My results will be ready next week and I’ll see what it is and what I need to do about it.

April 28, 2004

There’s no use. I will never be able to buy something from The Gap on sale, unless I lose like 40 pounds and become a size 0 or 1, or else I can gain 40 pounds and become a size 14. That’s all the sizes they have on the Sale rack, always. Also, there’s no denying that I’m short. In the United States it wouldn’t matter, since The Gap has a special thing called Ankle Length (basically, clothes for short people in a more “politically correct” or fashion-friendly way). At least it is in the catalogue so it means they make them. Well, they never have jeans, at least in Toronto, that are my size, 6A. I just spent 35 minutes doing a search for Low Rise Boot Cut jeans in a 6A in all the stores in Toronto. NOTHING, they don’t have it. I am doomed: medium sized and short. I will always have to pay full price, IF AND ONLY IF I am able to find something on my size.

April 27, 2004

Had insomnia again last night. Couldn’t sleep from 3:00 AM to 5:30 AM, good thing that last Saturday I slept almost all day, then, of course, I went out with Clara to the Bier Markt, to Fionn McCools, the Flatiron and finally Chinatown for some late night noodles. We came back at 4:30 in the morning, so all the rest I had had was gone. On Sunday I had to go to the hospital to volunteer, I was so tired that I went to bed early, just after Alias was over. Went to the doctor today, will have an ultrasound of both my wrists tomorrow. Apparently I have tendonitis. Last week I couldn’t sleep for two nights, this time it wasn’t insomnia, it was my right wrist hurting so bad I couldn’t move. Took two Advils but it didn’t work. The next night I rubbed Tiger Balm and it was better. I will probably have to have some physiotherapy.

April 24, 2004

So I just got home from working late (on a Friday night, I know!) and I found a message in my mailbox that I had something waiting for me with the concierge. I thought it was the George Foreman Grill that I ordered from three days ago, but it wasn’t. It was a new key because they changed my lock. The Concierge wanted me to pay the fee right there, but I didn’t have my checkbook, I had to get home, but I couldn’t get in because the lock had been changed. So it was a dilemma. I would not be given my key if I didn’t pay, but I couldn’t pay, so what to do? what to do? Finally, I decided to go to Tim Horton’s around the corner and get some change and pay cash. I was finally able to get into my apartment. Good thing I had gone to the LCBO and got a bottle of wine. I will finally get to use my new corkscrew.

April 22, 2004

I went to the Overdraught Irish Pub (156 Front Street West, basement) last night for dinner and a couple of pints with Clara Nigh. It was pretty cool and I like that place because it’s new and classy. Apparently their chef is Joe Badali (?) so the food is supposed to be really good, I ordered the hamburger special with Stilton cheese, which was fine. The only comment I have about the food is that when you’re reading the menu they tell you about the great apple coleslaw, so I was looking forward to tasting it. Nope, the coleslaw is lame, there’s nothing special about it. Our waiter was Adam and he was really nice and cute. A great guy.

April 21, 2004

I went to this reception last night at St. Michael’s Hospital for the volunteer association. It was pretty cool, though the median age of the crowd in the party was like 63, I was the youngest one of them all -I’m not that young myself. They gave recognition pins to volunteers who have been there for 2 years, 5 years, 10 years and 20 years. This woman, Margaret (approximate age 85), got a 35 years recognition award! Wow, she is really an inspiring soul. I got to meet the best volunteer of them all, a lovely golden retriever named Darcy, he even has his security badge with a bar code and everything, and a bandana tied around his neck made of the same material as the volunteer smock that we use (aqua blue). He got his 5 year recognition pin, and he is so well behaved. Of course he has to be, so that he is able to help all those patients in the hospital.

April 20, 2004

I finally bought the digital camera I’ve been wanting to buy since last year. I made up my mind when I realized spring was here, summer was coming and I wanted to take a lot of pictures. I made my internet research and decided that I wanted a Sony DSC-P8. So I went to Henry’s and the guy that was there (bald guy, medium-shortish height, digital department) was SO unhelpful. So nasty. I asked him to see the camera (I knew which one I wanted) and he had such an attitude, he was almost doing me a favour. Then I asked to see the camera case and he was just so rude. I knew that I wanted that camera, and I knew how much it was. I thought I would leave and just go back today and get someone else to help me. But Greg recommended that I took a look at the stores on Yonge St. just south of Gerrard and across the street from Sam the Record Man. So I went, and I found the camera I wanted and they gave it to me at a 15% less than what they wanted at Henry’s, even as a starting price. I tried to negotiate a bit more, but they wouldn’t go lower. It doesn’t matter, I got it for a lower price and I bought it from someone that was helpful and actually wanted to sell me the thing, as opposed to the nasty guy at Henry’s with his attitude. Luke says I should go to Henry’s and show him the camera that I bought from someone else. Maybe I will.