Archive for February, 2004

February 27, 2004

I finally started my volunteering at the hospital, I just screwed up oncewhich I think is good enough. My next shift will be on Saturday. I feel a little bit wimpy, though, that I will just be in the Gift Shop. I wish I could help more, but I am just not up for it. Anyway, just giving my time is a good start.

February 26, 2004

Daphne is visiting Toronto from Amsterdam, she has been here since Sunday and is staying with Clarissa. Last night we went out on the town for a “girls night out”. Julie and Sam came too. Originally we had planned to go to Vinnie’s, but it was so expensive we just had a pint and headed for the Peel Pub. Now that was cheap, and a lot of fun, plus they had live music. I might get together again with Clarissa and Daphne tomorrow, depending on what the plan is.

February 24, 2004

I just called St. Michael’s Hospital. I am having my final training on Thursday after work, and will start on Saturday from 12 to 4 PM. I think it will go all right.

February 23, 2004

Dear readers and fans: I feel pretty bad that just two of you (or are you all of them? I thought I had like three readers, not just two) have taken the time to leave a comment. Remember, I know who you are, I know your IP Address, pleeeaaaase, leave a comment! Don’t stop visiting my weblog. I know that’s too much to ask from a certain SISTER of mine, who doesn’t even want to access the weblog (her loss) but what about the rest of you? Are you there? Please I’m so lonely, I want to hear from you.

February 23, 2004

My mother went back to Mexico yesterday. I don’t know when I’ll see her again, maybe in the summer, but no concrete plans yet. It was really nice of her to come help me and we enjoyed our time together. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen her alone in a long time, the last time she came to Toronto my brother was also here so I had to “share” her; same thing in Cabo.

This week I will have to work late at least 3 or 4 days. We finally have some results we’ve been waiting for and now we need to have everything ready by the beginning of next week. Also, I have to go to St. Mike’s for my training, apparently I am starting on the weekend but I need to be shown what I will be doing. I will probably schedule it for Thursday because on Wednesday I will be going with Clarissa and the girls to Vinnie’s for drinks and games. That will be fun but I will be skipping my trivia night. I am going to the Flatiron tonight for dinner with Christian, so I’ll make up for it.

February 19, 2004

The telephone guy just called and my mother got it, the phone rang, so it is fixed. My friends can now call me in my new phone number. There are several things that I need to buy, like a dining room table and furniture, a coat rack and a key holder. There’s no rush, but I’d like to start looking.

February 18, 2004

So apparently my new phone is not working. It was working fine yesterday and the cable guy actually called twice (it was funny, instead of making us wait for hours he was calling because he wanted to come earlier). We got a phone call from Mexico and I called from my cell phone. But today I was trying to call my mom, who is there unpacking and taking care of things, and she did not pick up, and even the answering machine did not pick up. I found that weird, and sent her an instant message. Well apparently the telephone had not rung. So she picked up and it was working. So she called me, and my caller ID identified my number. So I had to call Bell Canada and now I have to stay there on Saturday from 8 to 12 waiting for the technician. Plus they made me buy this ridiculous 5 dollars a month maintenance package, in case I need a technician. So my readers and admirers: If you want to contact me these three days just send me an email or an IM.

Tonight we are going to Jorge and Edmee’s for dinner. Edmee hasn’t seen my mom in about 15 years and it should be fun.

February 18, 2004

I am finally in my new place. It took longer than expected for the movers, and I am sure they did it longer just because they charge by the hour. We started at 9:00 and were done by 2:00. Me and my mom went to the Flatiron for dinner and then went to Dominion for some last-minute things. Everything is going fine. We should be done in a couple of days, though I have to go to work tomorrow.

February 16, 2004

Last night me and my mom woke up at 4:00 in the morning because an alarm was beeping. It was the carbon monoxide detector that had gone off. We got a little concerned, especially when I couldn’t turn it off. After 10 minutes of trying I called 911 and they put me through with the Toronto Fire Department. The lady that picked up was really clear saying that we had to put on a coat and get outside of the apartment and wait for the fire truck to arrive. Of course we were in our pijamas so it took us a bit to get ready to go out. We hadn’t even stepped out when the fire truck was already here. Three firemen came up to my apartment with the carbon monoxide reader. The reading was zero. There was no carbon monoxide. Apparently the alarm had gone bust and not even them knew what to do about it. Finally they unplugged it from the ceiling and it shut off. But they plugged it back in thinking it was going to be all right. It took about five minutes after they had left for it to go off again. This time I unplugged it from the ceiling myself and just left it there. This morning I called the landlord and told him what had happened and it had also happened to my next door neighbour last week (and of course I knew because it took her three hours to fix the problem, meanwhile I heard everything and could not sleep). So apparently it has happened four times in this building of eight apartments. Now he’s thinking maybe the alarms he bought for the building are faulty. NO KIDDING!

Tonight we went to Milestone’s for dinner and it was delicious. We both had the prime rib and it was really really good.

February 15, 2004

I finally got the key to my new condo, it was so exciting. My mom went to get it from the lawyer’s office and we got in after I got off work at 5:00. I was ready to find a mess, since the tenant that was living there had built-in furniture, so I had already arranged for a painter to come early on Saturday and work all weekend. We were surprised to find the place as good as new, the carpet had been steam-cleaned and the place was freshly painted. I called the painter and told him not to bother coming in this morning, I was not going to paint it anymore. The walls are white instead of beige, but I just saved 600 dollars. Now we will be packing these two days, we already took two suitcases full of clothes and we’ll take two more tomorrow. We’ll be moving in on Tuesday.