Archive for November, 2003

November 21, 2003

So we went to Cleveland for the weekend. Me and Clarissa and Greg and Terry we all went on Saturday morning. It took us about 4 hours to get there. I really had no idea where I was going. I just got in the car and went with them. What a pleasant surprise when we got to Cleveland. It is a really nice city. First we went to Crate and Barrel, apparently the biggest one in the US, it is in a suburb of Cleveland. Finally we made it to the hotel and relaxed a little bit before going out for dinner to the Rock Bottom Brewery. Dinner was delicious and I tried this special pumpkin brew which was very good. We headed for a bar, not before getting into a taxi cab and after seeing that he was taking us somewhere else just got out of it. We went to a club later and had a blast with other Canadians we met there. We got into another taxi cab to get back to the hotel and he tried to rip us off again. That gets us for looking like Canadian tourists.

The next day we went to the Browns game, we woke up early and tailgated for about 3 hours. It was a lot of fun, the funniest thing was that Terry forgot the regulator which connects the barbecue to the portable propane tank, so we ended up asking the guys next-car to barbecue our sausages for us. Greg bought Sam Adams Cherry Wheat especially for me and it was great. I just love it.

The Browns won and we came back to Toronto, I arrived home at about 9.30 at night. It was a fun weekend.

November 20, 2003

My foot hurts. On Monday, I was hanging a picture on the office wall and I was not allowed to stand on the chair with my boots on, I took them off. I finally hung the picture and jumped from the chair. I didn’t land correctly and kind of hurt my right foot. That night I used Tiger Balm (it’s the best, I’ve known it for about 20 years) and yesterday my foot was fine. But just about half an hour ago I was cleaning the fridge while my chicken soup cooked (I am cooking for the whole week, trying to eat healthy), the soup boiled and spilled and I jumped from the floor quickly to take care of it. Well that made my foot kind of bend again and now it is hurting badly. I’ll put more Tiger Balm again tonight. I hope I’m fine by tomorrow.

November 19, 2003

So I finally got my computer back. The hard disk had to be re-formated. I lost all the email addresses and telephone numbers on my address book.

Still, I am forever thankful to Greg Valiquette for taking care of everything. He is a really good friend.

I decided to create a weblog just to keep track of what is going on.