Thank God it is Friday. It has been a hell of a week, with the computer-breaking-down ordeal and the condo-buying thing I am just exhausted. Last night I went to Greg and Clarissa’s with my computer in a suitcase. It was so heavy that I think the suitcase is not going to be around for much longer. We watched football and had dinner and then Greg installed the new hard disc and Windows. I haven’t installed the computer at home yet because it was too late when I got back home, but it is running fine again.

Yesterday I had the flu shot. I have to confess that I was a little scared, but everything turned out to be fine. I didn’t want to go alone so I went to the 8th floor with Joe and Kim from Office 12 (I am on Office 9), they came and picked me up and we all went downstairs. I am feeling fine, but my arm feels as if someone punched it really hard.

I’ve been meaning to go see this great movie The Barbarian Invasions, I thought it was just going to be playing this week at the Cumberland and I would miss it. But it is Friday now and it will be playing at least for another week. I might go see it during the weekend, because I won’t have time during the week again. December hasn’t even started and I already have 3 Christmas parties and 1 Hanukkah party, and counting.

Tonight I am going with Charlene and Teawna after work for dinner and then we are going to see 21 Grams, the new movie by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu. I wanted to see it even when it showed in the Toronto International Film Festival, but of course it was sold out. I am looking forward to it but don’t know how depressing it is going to be, apparently it makes Schindler’s List seem like a Disney movie. We’ll see.

Tomorrow there is this really cool event in which the Christmas Tree is going to be lit, the Christmas market is going to start, and also the skating rink is going to be ready for the season. Last year it was on a Friday, I think, because I remember getting off work and going to Nathan Phillips Square with Christian and Jorge to see the fireworks. I might just go, apparently it is going to be snowing and it could be fun.

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