So I had to run from work because the cable guy was going to come and install digital cable. I already installed the premium channels about 8 months ago, but for that I didn’t need to be here, they just came and did it directly from the box on the street. This time I ordered the digital channels, which I don’t even think are so great, but I was not going to pay that much more anyway, and since I already have my Internet with them it seemed like a good idea. The thing is that they got me in a good mood last week while I was walking in the middle of the day (that’s what we business women do) through First Canadian Place.

So the guy talked me into it, I thought “what the heck” and signed up for digital cable. Since you need the special digital terminal, I had to wait for the cable guy today. Well I waited and waited and after 8:00 PM I realized he was not going to come. So I called Rogers and asked what had happened. Apparently my appointment was not for today but for tomorrow. Well, I can’t wait for them tomorrow, I have my Book Club session tomorrow, plus I didn’t want digital cable in the first place since I might be moving soon. I decided to tell them to cancel the order. I will just keep my regular service.

Speaking of moving soon, I am placing the offer for the condo on the XX floor of (CENSORED) tomorrow. They might not accept it because it is lower than what they are asking for, but that is all I can afford. If they don’t want it, I can wait for another condo that I can afford. We’ll see.

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