My computer broke down again. I was downloading my usual amount of porn when suddenly….. juuuuuust kiddiiiiiing. It was exactly when I was posting last night’s entry to the weblog that it started to slow down. I was also looking at, researching for condos, at the same time. So I managed to turn it off normally, it took some time but it turned off and even made that little Windows song, not after actually making a click sound from the CPU. Then I tried to turn it on again and got this message: No boot device detected: system halted. I inserted the Windows CD and it booted the machine, but when I pressed R for repair, it said that no hard disk was available. Then I went into the BIOS (didn’t do anything to it, I know better than to mess with it) and looked for the devices installed and it did not recognize the hard disk.

I spent a good amount of my night awake worrying about it. I guess I will have to buy a new hard disk, that appears to be the problem and it seemed to be that even since last time.

So I passed from being furious with Rogers to freaking out about my connectivity from home. Also, I cannot believe that people from Dell called me back in May to ask me if I wanted to extend the warranty for another year, but I said no, what for, the computer is perfect, it is a piece of art, it has never given me any problem. ME AND MY BIG MOUTH! Now I don’t know how long it will be, but I will have to log in to my email (and my weblog) from work, just during business hours.

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